Ortrud and Tosca take over the world

...and then cuff and arrest them when they resist. Because they would.

Women everywhere, when you get #notallmenned,

It is basically a man hearing women talk about their fears, not hearing ignoring the fears, and making it all about him.

He does gloat somewhat over Lizzie, but I’m not convinced he means to be malicious over Lydia running off. It’s possible he genuinely meant to be comforting. He comes to visit a family enduring one of the most scandalous things that could happen, rather than staying away. In the context of his full speech to Mrs

So 6000 strikers and a jury of his peers agreed that keeping black men down, was more important than fighting literal Hitler.

And I bet every single one of those strikers would have protested that they were good, patriotic Americans. Because if you couldn’t prevent black men getting ahead, what were the troops even fighting for??

Also Z for Zachariah.

Oh, I know. There are a lot of layers of obliviousness to get through. First, they have to realise that their diversity hires might have problems negotiating the white power structure. Then they have to realise that a mentoring programme by a senior person of colour might be a good idea. Then they have to realise

They knowingly undermined the war effort rather than see a new area of employment opened to black men?? Jesus.

Fair enough. I was seeing it within the Australian frame, and the US system is very different.

Hell, yes. I’m in Western Australia, and I’m a teacher. In every school there is someone whose job statement includes the duties of mentoring less experienced teachers. It’s required that all graduate teachers have a formal mentoring relationship, with regular check-ins and assistance. I think there are also

Unpopular opinion; someone else who gets a bad rap is Mr. Collins. Is his personality unappealing? Hell yes. Is he essentially a good-hearted man who thinks of others and is trying to help the Bennetts? Also yes.

My understanding was that his only action during the game was to kneel during the national anthem. Is that not correct?

I used to do a lot of cycling in Perth, Western Australia. Temperatures in the mid-high 30s (around 90F, I guess) are standard, and often go a lot higher. It was a genuine fear that I might get knocked off my bike by a car, be unconscious on the road, and die of 3rd degree burns before anyone thought to move me. 

Oh god, I’ve just thought of something. Could it be that the cops said he could go, tasered him because they could and then just walked away, leaving him unconscious on the ground? And then a bystander called it in? That would explain how he was left lying in the one position long enough to burn that badly.

My guess he was tasered, lost consciousness and was left lying on the hot pavement for long enough to burn where his bare skin was touching it. The article says the pavement was hot.

He would say she wasn’t beautiful for him to rape her. His followers would agree with him. Then they’d call her a slut, say she was making false accusations to ruin his career and make money, dox her and bombard her with rape and death threats.

Well, what can you expect from a man with 5 children from 3 baby mamas? And the last one a stripper! (well, she called it nude modelling but we all know what that really means).

Two things from the article about the Houston Chronicle really stood out to me.

Hi NotRick. What’s your recommended model for ensuring fair workplaces? You’ve discounted a lot of models; I’d like to know your preferred solution.