lissargh: living in the black

I mean when it negatively effects other women — women who can’t miss work and who now have to find emergency childcare, for instance.

Now this I could get behind. My checks are pretty low as-is so losing a day of work is just... not feasible for me. If it were organized with those who can’t for one reason or another but would if they could in mind, and give them a means to do so, I think it would be great.

I get that, but when it negatively effects the same exact group of people you’re striking for it seems... not as great...?

I don’t recall the “boogie immigrants” shutting down schools.

This is a nice idea but I have to make my money. But.. I will refrain from spending my money in solidarity.

It’s the same silly argument as the people who wax eloquent about old music being ~real~ music, if it doesn’t fit their individual definition of the thing than it can’t be the thing.

The Beatles absolutely do count, though. Once they were ~discovered~ they were as much a production as any modern boy band is now. They didn’t really lose boy band status until they started getting into the psychedelic White Album era of existence.

Uh, but Beatlemania was a thing and they were definitely marketed as the “boy next door heart throb” variety.


Fair enough.

Believe me a lot of us are trying.

This was a very thoughtful response to my very facetious post but I enjoyed it a lot, thanks!

yes precisely.

Ooh, yes. Excellent suggestion.

Seems like a pretty legitimate god to put your trust in. I’m also 1/4 Norwegian so maybe I should get into the Norse gods.

He seems oddly up to the task of saving us from ourselves.

Call Stark industries too might as well bring Iron Man into the mix.


Lord help us.

NASA has already faced massive cuts and the space exploration program is effectively dead, anyway. It seems weird that they’d aim for NASA in this. We might lose the Johnson Space Center in Houston (which would suck ass).