
Yeah. It's that curse where musicians who depend on overproduced showmanship don't fare well on a cramped live stage.

I'm still upset that Blahna del Zzzzzzzz didn't fade into obscurity. CURSE HARDER, SNL.

What's really baffling to me is how the Ebola outbreak in West Africa has been known for months now and up until a couple of days ago people were just being asked if they might have caught Ebola when entering other countries, including the US.

After splitting from Gwyneth he probably farted for a week nonstop. You know she doesn't allow that behavior in the house.

His farts sound like a rip off of Bono.

What a waste of money. 30 grand could have put a couple of those sex dolls through college.

I wonder even spawned that tweet? Are women coming up to him and demanding that he recognize the seriousness of their assaults? I wish I could fart on his nose.

here's my sex spreadsheet

So many questions, all of them variations on "WHY THE FUCK"

That's honestly most if not all I can offer at this moment.

"I simply don't have the faculty to assess what would motivate a person to steal shit from plane crash victims" - look, I agree that this is a shitty, shitty thing, but poverty (around 70% of Ukraine lives below the poverty line) and an utter lack of certainty about the future is a pretty obvious reason. The lack of

"Eventually we must all offer up our celebrity crushes to our significant other and stand there, naked and vulnerable, to be judged for them."

Thank you for saving your speculation for the comments. And I am serious. I like it when journalists have ethics, it's a fine thing.

I would straight up PayPal you money to take them out for funnel cake or ice cream tomorrow night, too.

Thanks for basically ruining my weekend with this story. Leaving now to take my kids for as much ice cream as they can eat until they barf. Big hugs for them. They are the light of my life.

It's like someone bottled throwing up in your mouth and gave it human form.

You must be interesting/attractive!

I also like Nintendo. Do you like Pokemon?

Because militarization of the police.

Dad passed away last year. One year ago today was the last time I talked to him. Miss you daddy.