Aw, sad (that they didn't kill off everyone).
Aw, sad (that they didn't kill off everyone).
So, first, white Americans raped Native American women so much and so systematically it's often considered genocide, and now this? It's hard to see why Native American women have rape victimization rates three times higher than the rest of the population.
Lady Gaga irritates me a lot more than Goopy. I believe that she is a talented individual but I don't believe she is necessarily a creative one. I think she does a lot of piggybacking artistically (her work with Marina Abramovic was particularly grating), before that she was ripping off Bowie, she's ripped off…
Sigh. You can't be a self-proclaimed 'provocateur', and then get mad when people are provoked. You just jumped the shark, Gaga.
1) You know the Internet is vast and contains multitudes, right? If one site isn't giving you what you want, there are a number of places that will. For example...
Here I found it. Now, you can go there instead of clicking on a celebrity gossip post to complain about how jezebel has too much celebrity gossip.
It is definitely Elizabeth Hasselbeck.
So she's too stupid to use condoms, but smart enough to be a mother? How does one live day-to-day with this level of cognitive dissonance?
A beautiful and talented woman is dead, and your BULLSHIT jokes aren't funny.
Strangers shouldn't touch me. Why should they touch me? Stay in your own space, in your own seat. I will stay in mine.
THAT'S THE POINT!!!!!!!!!!
oh get over yourself Melanie... no one cares about your OPINIONS.
For a brief and shining moment I wondered if this comment section would not simply dissolve into people bashing and making fun of Jezebel.
Stereotypes are fun.
This ... doesn't make sense to me? Jez praises awesome dudes and mocks the doofuses. Same as they do with the ladies. And, pretty much the same as most other sites (Gawker neeeeeeeever makes fun of dudes; nor does Deadspin, I'm just sure), Jez just has a feminist take on it. But, good lord, how many times must it be…
A good friend of mine encouraged me to take up bicycling. He was very careful to let me know that not all bicyclists were like the bicyclists you describe, and that bicycling should be an activity enjoyed by all, without all the flair. "Just get a bike with a comfy seat and start riding," he said.
The first rule of rape club is, you're a terrible fucking human being for being in rape club.
Oh hey there, Cultural Relativism. Whatcha been doin'? Still acting as a crutch for absurdly irrational discrimination and gross human rights violations? Yep, guess so.
I bet you don't even own a television. Tell me all about who you think is the most underrated beat poet.