
My first language is "racist idiot." They are my people [looks pensively into the distance as the song "achy breaky heart" swells]

Ha, I can't believe you stupid bitches didn't get that she was only dressed as an insulting, racist caricature who sings a song about how Indians are red because they're embarrassed. Stoopid PC libruls.

First of all, if you ditch the phrase "political correctness" and replace it with the phrase "common decency," the question becomes easier to answer.

How, and I mean this with total sincerity, HOW are you a person in the world these days and think it is EVER ok to do blackface? Like, she presumably has a manager/assistant/lawyer/parent/friend/ANYONE IN THE PICTURE who could have said, "Uh Julianne?

Mad respect to those ladies bravely standing up against the Saudi state's patriarchal repression. Things are changing there, ever so slowly, with their allowing women to participate in the upcoming Olympics as another small step forward.

I mean, I guess? But you know what, I'm just going to go ahead and admit something here: White people & hair color designations confuse me.

Apparently it's fine to do this with non-American natives and their rituals and if you point it out you are "no fun" because Beyonce is so fahabulous that it's totes ok - who knew, huh?

lol we're so exotic guys, why don't you fetishise us some more?

Her photo is on the dictionary right next to "basic bitch".

I feel like if she could speak in this picture it would be in the voice of Maya Rudolph impersonating Donatella Versace.

I saw your comment on the last post on Gawker, claiming the girls were "thirsty" for attention and notoriety. That comment coupled with this one make me think you have a dog in this fight, if you know what I mean. And if you do, I'd suggest you pull your head out of your ass and prepare for whatever is coming.

Lol not interested in debating whether Taylor is "allowed" or "not allowed" to stick out her tongue at Selena Gomez kissing Justin Bieber so I'll just say: Okay then.

Somehow, in a post about the pointless abuse of an innocent animal, you still managed to make Reddit the bad guy?

Those asshole, serving healthy food and giving people beer in the middle of the day a few times a year.

I mean, how AWFUL of them to want to provide healthy food for their employees! WHERE ARE MY CRONUTS?!

I'm shocked, shocked! Rigidly healthy food, how DARE they.

All I heard was "I didn't read this article about brand new revelations, but let me use this chance to plug my Wordpress post from nearly four years ago on a not entirely related subject in order to claim the headline of this article is wrongfully shaming people because that makes me feel better about myself."

That's sort of true but also sort of not true. I'm -not- on the fat shamer bandwagon at all (my previous posts show that) however, the NHS (for example) is spending a a lot of money on very large beds and other equipment & staff, to be able to treat the morbidly obese. That is making the whole system more expensive to

I was being sarcastic. There's a lot of anti-fact and anti-common-sense threads in the fat activism (or whatever you want to call it) world. If you only read pieces written on the internet about obesity by obese people, you would come away with the impression that they're all perfectly healthy, eat balanced diets, and

And yet articles on makeup elicit cries of "I love make up and don't judge me for wearing it!" I get tired of trying to talk about how wearing makeup effects the beauty expectations of makeup and disadvantages women who do not wear it.