Yeah instead of talking “tough” maybe he should use some of the $105 billion (3rd most of any state) it receives from the Federal Gov. to actually upgrade its ancient power grid.
Yeah instead of talking “tough” maybe he should use some of the $105 billion (3rd most of any state) it receives from the Federal Gov. to actually upgrade its ancient power grid.
We just are so much better than this.
“If Electric is so good, how come people have such trouble with Battery? AA, AAA, C, bing bong bing, if Battery good, how come you have have to charge them, charge them, they charge too much for a battery. I went, I went to the store for Battery, and when I saw Price, I said, I said, I said ‘Price too much!’ Battery…
The Morning Show is ridiculously over-represented. It’s glossy trash.
Having just finished The Bear season 3, I really don’t know why you would call that a comedy. Like it has jokes, but if that’s the bar for a comedy then I assume that means pretty much anything is a comedy.
If ever there was a “dogs and their owners look alike” joke opportunity...
I’ve known of Gwar since like the aughts, but this is the first time I’ve watched them perform or speak. I didn’t realize they weren’t scary but more like...cartoon characters?
I do not like that he is being called a hero. There’s conflicting reports of either shielding family, or he died instantly before anyone knew what to do.
Thanks for tracking this down.
They wouldn’t just spit on you/us: They would gleefully kill you/us in cold blood.
Yep, this is completely awesome. AVC is officially back, baby!
This is why Stewart’s show is stuck in 2004. He still thinks there’s a way forward in trying to deal with outward fascists. He’s still trying to “both sides” everything when one side wants to literally kill and imprison the other. Having O’Reilly on the show is gross as shit, no one should give him a platform to say…
Gotta chase that Overton window gap! There’s CONTENT on the line!
It’s funny, because that’s one of the reasons these fuckers are so riled up: something happens that they didn’t learn in grade school (and which occurs in a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the population), people say “Hey, this exists, just so you’re aware,” and it broke their fucking brains so…
What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Stewart and the show that they thought this was a good idea?
If Jon thinks having Bad Faith Argument O’Reilly on to discuss the political divide is “balance”, what does that say about him?
Yeah, the main issue at this point with O’Reilly is not that he’s some reasonable opponent who disagrees on policy or even some calculating dickhead who is rallying an easily manipulated base for clicks; it’s that he’s a sexual predator who’s had tens of millions of dollars paid out to settle the complaints against…
Yes, 1000x times this! Congratulations Danette! Woo! Disqus!