Pimlico is essentially his home track, he said that gave him an advantage in knowing to take the rail.
Pimlico is essentially his home track, he said that gave him an advantage in knowing to take the rail.
Anyone who thought they could contend wanted to front run because they would get a clean ride. once your horse and jockey are covered in mud, it gets more difficult to come from behind. But the pace was way too fast to maintain, and there was some speculation that Nyquist’s jockey couldnt back him down when he was…
Peter is NOT a young man, and some would say in failing health. John or Louis are probably making the calls.
What if the venn diagrams of your interest are “helping Brad Ausmus” and “taking pants off”?
I live in a city chock full of hipster douchebags, so that image makes me want to kick someone in the balls. Anyone with that facial hair will do.
My money is on Brienne. That closet case asshole should, by all rights, to fall to the sword of a woman. And by sword I mean Brienne’s large, mace like strap on.
The bobble head was commemorating his National League MVP award. Kind of difficult to be the most valuable player when you’re off the field for having a shit fit on an ump. walking around the park whooping it up when suspended would only make him look like a bigger dick, and infuriate the commissioner.
Southern Tide afficianafos do like to shoot people in the face.
Front runners run clean. A muddy track is certainly incentive to get ahead early.
Oh lord, don’t say that. Manny going to the Yankees would kill me. Can't we sacrifice Bryce Harper to evil empire instead?
This is what Zara does, with a speed and profit margin that has the entire industry green with jealousy. And Kanye should be flattered, they usually knock off far more talented and successful designers.
What’s up with his Botox/eyebrow game? He’s starting to look like laToya Jackson.
That really was a gun in his pocket.
Let me get this straight....the first time something real happened they cut the feed? Gruesome injuries are replay fodder in all other sports.
Riley Cooper gave him the 5cent tour.
Texas, where threee idiots conspire to nominate Schoolie McSchoolface and one spells it wrong.
You need to hydrate.
Leave it to this lady to announce a divorce in a one hour special on HBO. I mean, who does she think she is? Lebron?
He hasn’t disappeared, he is on vacation with Greg Hardy’s girlfriend.