Lisasaur got Kinja'd

Or any Latina woman ever. They would end him.


This is the most offensive thing I have read in a while, and considering I just finished that article on Kansas and contraception, that's saying something.

Innocence lost. I wish I had never heard of it - all I did was read this headline and the song has been going nonstop in my head ever since.

What is the point of a video of Alan Rickman without him talking? I feel cheated.


People who brag about their time abroad make me so mad. It's totally fine to talk about it because it was most likely a life-changing and interesting experience. But don't prance around acting like you are the shit because you spent 4 months in Peru. Lots of people go abroad, so you are not special.

I would sign up for jury duty if that were the case. Maybe less leather and more glitter, though. Personal preference.

Nice wig, Janice, what's it made from?

Abstaining is almost worse than voting against. At least the bigots who voted against it are open about their hatred, instead of hiding behind silence. Just ew.

*sings* Moving out of Virginia, moving out of Arizona. Damnit.

I thought that 60% sounded a little high

It's one of those things that as a third party we can look at it and go "oh, dumb idea," but how many of us would have done it if we were in her situation? Can't say that I wouldn't have tried it out.

Isn't this the subject of that horrifying PSA where the mom goes "You think your baby is safe in your arms, but that is THE MOST DANGEROUS PLACE EVAR"?

I agree...but then I remember that I am all aboard the Seamus the Irish setter bandwagon so maybe I'm no better.

Thank you for doing the legwork and googling that for me. I hope someone wants to pay me money for winning my self-bet on drug binge.

I saw a campaign ad for him the other day. Some guy's daughter went missing in New York City for 3 days, and Mitt shuttered up his offices, flew up to NYC, and started some kind of operation up there to find her. I'm more interested in WHY the daughter disappeared for 3 days, because it definitely didn't imply

I swear I read recently that a study done proved that the more homophobic someone was, often the stronger their homosexual tendencies. In fact, I think that was on Jezebel. It's apparently where I get all of my news now.

Not sure Biden could ever have been considered boring. I can't think of any good boring white guys, though, any Repub politicans just make me too nauseous

He can't pick a minority or a lady because then the super conservatives who already are skeptical of him will blow a gasket.