i sometimes put lotion on my hair (not when it is wet). in the winter when it is very dry outside and i get the static. works great. but i only use a very little bit.
My life-long personal philosophy of “If it burns stop putting it on your face” remains effective.
We did all that civil rights shit for you decades ago! We have Affirmative Action! So if you’re failing, and you are, it’s your fucking fault. Certainly not a systemic issue, certainly not the result of decades of post-Civil Rights era housing discrimination and apartheid schools, issues which are in full force even…
Yes, the same people outraged over US jobs going abroad are also outraged about the prospect of minimum wage increasing.
As always. He’s the harbinger of the apocalypse don’t you know. First he encouraged their first amendment rights and never bothered to do anything about their second. Terrible dictator, who took nothing from them, just wanted everyone to have access to healthcare and fixed the economy.
A quote from her exclusive interview with Mahoning County’s newspaper:
But librarians are great? All my best fantasies involve them shushing me while doing things that, well, cause me to loud and disruptive.
Nobody who regularly reads, period, should be wondering.
I don’t think anybody who reads here regularly was wondering.
It won’t lead to him winning because we’re stopping him. Kathy is a shallow, hateful, selfish stupid ignoramus and she can eat dry dog turds. I have sympathy for the economic plight of those areas and most of those people are not hateful dimwits like Kathy. The goal is to overcome her and her klan. She is too far…
Miller’s remarks are almost laughable. Almost. They’re complete, hilarious “woe is us” white bullshit, but so many people actually believe that shit, it isn’t funny.
Motto of men at my work that are sure there is no discrimination.
The biggest problem here is her depiction of people as ‘us’ and ‘them’.
But also both a criminal mastermind genius dictator and completely weak and ineffectual. It’s impressive everything he has both accomplished and not accomplished at the same time.
What’s weird about it is that it admits that black Americans are doing badly, it just denies that white people are in any way responsible for the society they share with blacks. “Yeah, you guys are doing badly, but I want you to understand that its not personally the fault of your white neighbors.” She’s reasoned…
My personal comments were inappropriate, and I apologize. I am not a spokesperson for the campaign and was not speaking on its behalf.
She should have resigned long ago because her memory is shot. Does she have amnesia? Or selective memory loss? Must be nice living in that bubble of privilege, where you can exist ignoring reality.
Why, bless his heart.