Flossie Dickey's Personal Assistant

I’m sorry, and I do hope he gets out before 15 years, but this is a solid case of play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Why the fuck would you want to visit North Korea, let alone steal from them? You’d be safer sticking your dick in a hornets nest.

We all did dumb shit when we were 21, but we didn’t go to North Korea to do it.

It’s pure hubris for Americans to keep going to countries like North Korea and Iran. They have to know what will happen to them but the attitude seems to be “I’m an American, I can go wherever I like and do whatever I like”. And about the U.S. secretly negotiating with North Korea, I guess we do negotiate with

This man deserves to be underneath the jail.

If anyone needs an object lesson in why kids and young teenagers can’t give informed consent, this is it.

That poor little girl. I’m so glad she was able to tell her school nurse. How do you *ever* come to terms with your father doing something like that to you? Good god. I hope she gets every ounce of help that’s available.

no I know, he is really exceptionally fucking awful. But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners. Donald Trump jokes about this shit. This guy is just on the far-flung fringe of sexualization, he’s not totally off the

It’s impossible to hate a Sausage and Egg McMuffin.

if other women call their vagina that

Men want something free? Here’s some free advice!

This always happens when conservatives whine about liberals being too PC and easily offended, but they cry persecution whenever you say anything criticizing Christianity or whatever. So goddamn annoying.

Oliver says “Hi, Emily!”

Damn I just posted my own version of your comment so I’ll delete mine and move here!

Emily the Magnificent took two pretty pictures this week. I am posting both for the benefit of anyone who wants a kitty fix.

I haven’t been able to sleep since I got up at 7:00 yesterday. I am binge watching The Good Wife, but I want a pizza to be brought to me, and all the deliverable pizzas are 25 bucks.


nah, i’m gonna fight the good fight.

* not actually a missionary

Initials are SS. Yeah, he’s gonna be about the peace and love.

If they did have a child with handicaps, they’d just use it to milk more donations from the suckers, and play the part of awesome mommy and daddy martyrs.

It's so nice to have a PM who doesn't look constipated all the time.

They think of it as “handling” the situation without “embarrassing” anybody. The cops see it as a friendly warning— “hey, buddy, maybe not so much with the beating and raping, people are starting to notice”—and he’ll see the error of his ways and “calm down.” There! Problem solved!