Flossie Dickey's Personal Assistant

They don't give a fuck. They feel like they can do whatever they want because they don't have to clean it up/deal with it.

I am not making this up. I had no idea until 2/3 months later when the guy I was dating told me his friend had an arranged marriage with his cousin. He didn't seem to have a problem with this.

That’s not even an insult. Steph needs to try harder next time. I wish I had had a hundred cats :(

I agree, when it's pathological the person clearly needs help. But I think there's a difference between pathological liars and those who are too cowardly to break up with someone so they go to extreme lengths to avoid doing so. I've dated a few guys who didn't have the gusto to break up and made up tall tales and

Retail, not radial lol

I agree, I don’t get the paranoia some women have about toilet seats. I work in an all female radial environment and I have had to write angry memos about why it’s NOT ok to leave the bathroom covered in piss. Sigh.

When I was 18-20 I worked at one of the busiest Wal-Marts in Canada. Every fucking day some nasty fuck would shit on the floor/walls/ceiling in the customer bathroom. I felt for the guys who had to clean it up. People are gross.

Seriously, you aren't going to get assnee or herpes from sitting on a public toilet seat. They are designed in a u-shape for a reason. I rage stroke out every time I see a seat covered in piss. This is why I piss in alleys.

DAFUQ is wrong with these people? Can we come up with a universal brand to warn each other about these narcissistic nutters?

It’s fucked but your right, lies of that calibre take a lot of work to keep up with; it's almost like a full-time job.

Wow.. something tells me he might've pulled this before. You dodged a bullet.

I thought my exes were fucked in the head.. how does one think they can get away with lying about killing themselves 😐

It’s the equivalent of those who go on Maury to find out if their men are cheating; you know he is ffs

I’m going to scrub my eyes until there's nothing left to scrub..

You’d think so. I can attest that this kind of thing is more common than you think. When I was 19, my friend and I were dating best friends. Her bf dumped her after 6 months out of the blue. I came to find out she was just his “fuck hole” until he got married. To. His. First. Cousin.



NOPE! There's a limit to how close family siblings/parents should be. This is overkill to the point of creepy; run the fuck away.

Except for themselves.

I most certainly will 😦