
The car gags were usually great. I loved the episode when Dodge wants to make a commercial out of Al's car as its odometer is about to break 1,000,000 miles.

Help me out here - memories are fuzzy. There was an episode where Peg forces Al to attend a foreign film festival and Al, bored to death, decides to sneak to the next screen. The camera stays put; you hear Al yell "Wow! There's titties on this one!" which makes all men stand up, unfazed, and just leave the theater,

"Mmmmmhmmm hiiim…"

The entire joke was that Peg was simply his wife, and how when you get married sexual desire goes out the window.

Contrary to popular belief, being a rockstar shouldn't automatically make you a dick.

"Disco Express"? They blew dog! And that lead singer, he kinda looked like…

You should never laugh at a fellow man's misery, but goddamn this is fucking hilarious.

Am i the only person in the universe who really enjoyed The Man From U.N.C.L.E.?

I loved this show. The episode with Anthrax (the band) and Peggy's mystery package alone was incredible.

Right up there with Dewey Crowe.

Bob Kelso and Dr. Cox really, really should be on that list.

DEWEY CROWE! How could i've ever forgotten him?!

Ah, yes. The Ben-Hur of the new century.


Oh, absolutely. John Slattery had an infinite number of memorable scenes in that show.

Pete Campbell FTW.

He made money. Studio execs really believe that lightning can strike twice.

She did sing a badass version of it though.

Man, that was beautiful to watch.

This is by no means a condemnation of the movie or album, by the way. High Fidelity is, for all its expert Massive Attack references and subtle Six Finger Satellite posters, still a mainstream romantic comedy starring John Cusack. The demographic it most appeals to is, to be blunt, white guys who fancy themselves as