
“I was mature for my age.” “We shared a connection that was more than physical.” “He respected my boundaries.” Sure, Jan. 

I’d say he looks like a Muppet, but that be disrespectful to Muppets.

He’d be a great internet edgelord if he could figure out how to use the internet. 

You know how disinfectants advertise with promises like “KILLS 99.9% OF GERMS”?

Somebody up there likes him, and that somebody is an HBO Exec whose position has survived like 3 different corporate parents/takeovers at this point.

I think it’s kinda weird how successful his career has been. Politically Incorrect was successful enough on Comedy Central pre-South Park to get promoted to a major network(the only cable show ever to have that happen as far as I know) and it aired on ABC for 5 years during a period of relatively low political

He’s as smart as he is handsome.

Reilly: “There’s no clean way to get stuff done. The Coup’s first album came out on EMI Records, which was a major international megacorporation. I’ve never been out there pushing, ‘Let’s make a gentler capitalism,’ or trying to get people to buy from Peet’s instead of Starbucks. The small capitalists are trying to be

Former history teacher here, well said. I sure as shit taught US labor struggles in my classes. But anti-union propaganda is strong in this country of temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read all week, and the fact that you thought it was actually smart makes it hilarious.

I’m not sure what your point is. Anyone who’s ever worked with Amazon is a hypocrite if they support the strike(s) now? The deal with Amazon to make I’m a Virgo was signed in 2020, three years before the strikes. Thousands of other people who are now on strike have also worked with Amazon (and all the other members of

OK but just because an issue has two sides doesn’t mean those sides are equal or equivalent or that people opining about them need to hold equal space for them. The people writing about this on this site clearly feel that the AMPTP is clearly morally in the wrong. I’m not sure why you would expect them to espouse or

This is a weird take - AMPTP is transparently trying to exploit essentially all its laborers. Have you seen some of the residuals checks these folks are getting from streaming media? You can try to “see both sides” based on how sad Bob Iger is that Disney can’t make movies right now, but you’d reaaaaally have to reach

Sure, I guess this take makes sense if you don’t understand how systems work and/or are a tedious bore.

He’s just pissy because he can’t promote his new project. Tom Cruise all over again.

da finchman was the exact right guy in the exact right spot at the exact right time to get one of the craziest netflix deals, so i’m not surprised he ‘sees both sides’...but the issue is that the golden days didn’t last, buddy. he should be able to see that noone would let him make ‘mank’ even now, a mere 3 years

Yeah, this is it. There just aren’t that many (arguably any) franchises pumping out new episodes and multiple spin-offs every year for over a decade that are consistently good. Zombies are a great visual but very one-note antagonist by their very nature, and they’re window dressing at this point. So there’s

the scene of them all eating off the little tiny spoons was absolutely bonkers. It felt like the actors were given zero script except to make “mmmm” sounds and had Anthony say “get a room”.

I loved Ambrosia’s “How Much I Feel” playing at the party. I unapologetically love that song and I will soft-rock out to it forever.

Kim said “you have me for 2 hours and 3 takes - make it count.”