
I love it. It brings back memories of growing up in my home town which had a number of reservations. Hell half the population is native. Including a lot of my family. I even got my status like a decade back, when they changed what % you need to be to be eligible. Even though I’m pretty damn white looking.

The actor that played Young Brownie was amazing. He got the mannerisms down but he nailed the voice so much that I’m halfway thinking they dubbed in the modern day Brownie’s voice. Young Bucky was aces too.

That was my thought too, he had the voice and the mannerisms down cold.

Was that coach Big’s father?

This show is so so good that is it criminal that the Emmys ignored it.

This might have been the saddest episode of the show, and that’s saying something. It felt so heavy and poignant when we know where most of these people end up. Even the shots of the Sonic drive-in had a feeling of the cyclicality of it all, and gave a sense of being trapped.

Yeah, this is all totally normal...organized religion is a front. A front for groomers (take your pick of what kind), a front for profit (tithing is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard 0f) and a front for pedos. Fuck all religions.

Yeah, unless there’s a movie (usually comic/sci-fi franchise) with surprises that I don’t want spoiled, if I miss a movie on opening weekend... I’m just not going to the theater to see it. Wort waiting the five or six weeks to see it at home.

I actually think Ben Garrison's political cartoons do classify as art because they're so fucking insane that they perfectly parody themselves, like 100 years after he's gone and the context of "oh no wait, he's actually serious" has been removed, they will be used as examples of perfect parody when teaching students

Yeah, pretty much.

When Australia banned guns, they did NOT see an uptick in other methods of murder or suicide to take their place. Turns out, use of guns and their deadly results are often an impulsive, and often non-reversible, action. So your conclusion that, sans fire arm, he would have killed his wife by other means is a baseless

Apparently he had a public playlist on youtube and, you guessed it, a few of the videos are “(((they))) did 9/11"

Conservatives are cowards: Note that it’s the Republican legislators you hear who, behind the scenes, confess they are “too afraid of their crazy voters to stand up to Trump etc”. Democrats are also at risk of being shot by crazy Republican voters. But the Democrats still do the right thing (re Trump).

Hating everyone different than you isn’t the same as talent or inspiration, you say?

It’s hard to do any sort of art well - be it comedy, music, or cinema - if the only message you’ve got is “fuck everybody that’s different than me”

Aldean shot his video at the site of a lynching and pleaded ignorance. Why would we consider any of this bullshit a stretch?

It’s those Northern elites. They’re the reason life is so hard for blue collar working class Southerners. Not Republicans in red states who gut assistance programs and vote down infrastructure bills, or turn a blind eye to megacorps who silence labor movements or offshore jobs abroad and incorporate out of the Cayman

  • Conservatives suck at art. They’re bad at it. So there are a lot fewer conservative artists creating art of any quality. So when one does come along and create something passable, every single conservative purchases it, creating a unified wave of dollars behind that one mediocre thing. Liberal dollars, meanwhile, are

I suppose I should be encouraged that they have moved from 1950's messaging to 1980's messaging.