
Michael may have a long list of reasons to beat the shit out of Bob, with spousal abuse only the latest entry on that list.

“He came and I just lowered and charged, and he went through the glass. Landed right over there.”

The “greenface” thing is horseshit, but the rest looks pretty fucking credible.

Speaking as someone who’s been binging N.D. Stevenson’s comics for a good solid decade, Nimona was SO, SO GOOD. Quite a lot of the comic got changed around or axed entirely (RIP Dr. Meredith Blitzmeyer, I would have loved to see you animated), but we got a more overtly gay and trans film out of it compared to the

after Martinez wrote “demonic whore/fake” on Boebert’s driver’s license,

I really like Waterworld, but its production issues and exploding budget made it a punching bag before it ever got to theaters so it feels like it wasn’t given much of a chance.  Apparently a major takeaway was “don’t ever film where you can’t allow land to appear on screen.”  They had to film only at certain times of

Archambault told the tabloid he and Boebert “were good friends” who “were together all the time,” admitting that he “spent a lot of time at their house, hanging out with her, helping her, as a friend would do.” But, he says, “there was nothing sexually, no. We were real close at one time, but it never got to that

Nothing is ever far enough for them.” Funny you should say that considering how much conservatives are blasting each other for not being far right enough.

Dude, try switching to decaf.

“On the one hand, I didn’t want to cave to so-called ‘PC pressure’ or ‘the woke mob’—whatever you want to call it,” he says in a new interview with The Independent. “On the other hand, I didn’t want to continue to engage in a harmful practice if that’s what I was doing.”

.... does he not realize those are the same

It’s not hard to understand why lesbians would hate this movie given how it pushes the “lesbians haven’t met the right guy” button.

You don’t even need the victim to stand up for themselves. With these cases, you’ll get people arguing that crime in Chicago justifies murdering someone in New York. 

The best thing about stand your ground laws and other cases of claiming “self defense” as an excuse to commit murder is that you can be the instigator against an unarmed person. You can start shit (a la that piece of shit George Zimmerman) and then when the other person tries to stand up for themselves, you can just

It’s deeply ironic that, based on the reports of Lorincz’s prior interactions with Owens’ kids, those kids had a vastly better on-paper argument for justifiably shooting Lorincz at various points than Lorincz had for shooting Owens.

I’m an old, and I can remember my Grandpa taking me around the city in the 70's, seeing a bunch of Italians in Little Italy and telling me “Look at this, not a white man in the bunch” 

I wonder more what Captain America thinks of people being forced into camps and into an apartheid system, all after having their land forcible taken from them, and what anyone would reasonably expect to happen, in addition what little rights those people have being taken away for any reason and further kicked out of

I’m sure he’s against that.

Legitimate criticism of the nation state of Israel is not automatically anti-semitic. There are plenty of bad actors, like Netanyahu, that hide behind reflexively hurling anti-semite or the “self hating Jew” slur at critics.

Peacock has also been a shocking strong source of good shows in the Streaming Wars (TM). I’ll definitely check it out at some point.

I think Ron getting crushed by Trump is weirdly satisfying because it’s fun to see the GOP try and fail to contain the Trump monster they’ve abetted for years.