
Good for her! Also I was like 10 years old when First Knight came out, it’s not a good movie but I have a soft spot for it. I thought she was so pretty and cool, this bums me out. But get ‘em, Julia!

The Swan short story totally traumatized me as a kid, I’m interested in how an adaptation feels for adult me. I loved the Henry Sugar book when I was little but it always struck me as weird and even more melancholy than Dahl’s usual fare. I am not at all surprised those stories appeal to Wes Anderson, adults with stran

Haaa at the very predictable AVclub scolds in the comments who are mad at too much sex in music (but somehow only when Black women do it). I knew yall’d be here, I could set my watch by you. To that I say: have you ever listened to music? Like, any music? Humans have been singing about sex for as long as we’ve been

I’m begging you, please, read a book, ANY book, about the labor movement. The most famous labor song in American history is called “Which Side Are You On?”. The thrust of that song is that if you do not take a stand and support workers you are supporting bosses and an unjust status quo. Americans are so fucking

In the 1950s and 1960s they called Birmingham “Bombingham” because white supremacist terrorists set off so many bombs targeting civil rights activists and in opposition to Black civil rights (and yes, they murdered a lot of people all throughout the South in this time). So you know, this is not new. These people are

Apparently Nya was originally supposed to be Miranda’s love interest, which makes her intro makes so much more sense. Cynthia Nixon objected, she didn’t want a love story between two straight women. 

Yep. I had a friend in high school who did that. I was overweight and when we hung out together, she just wanted to eat cheeseburgers and milkshakes and everything else. It was way more junk than I usually ate on my own. But she was 5' 10" and 106 lbs and doctors were worried about her health. It did not add up until

Yep, that’s what happened to me! I hadn’t been to the movies since 2019, but as a woman, EVERYONE was talking about Barbie and I had to join the conversation. I don’t regret it, it was fun. But I do agree with the person who said the theater is way too much of a time commitment these days. When every film is 2+ hours,

Yeah, Poker Face was great and I’m really enjoying Mrs. Davis despite myself. Agreed on shockingly strong programming!

Oh man, I am really jealous and want to go to Jane Fonda’s weekly dance parties now. 

If we collectively say “hey, that’s not ok” (as is happening) then the next dirtbag will think twice before doing the same. That’s the point. I don’t care about Matty Healy, but it matters that the public says that his racist behavior is not ok, otherwise we’re normalizing it.

“Hacky jokes that didn’t land” where he casually degraded Black women. Repeatedly. I understand that may not mean much to you but overall, accepting those kinds of “jokes” contributes to racist dehumanization of Black people in our society, and that’s a problem for me.

I also wanted to like Y The Last Man, I was a big fan of the comics back in the day and I did watch every episode. I thought it had problems that were mostly related to it taking so long for a screen translation. The source material was very of-it’s-time and our politics and understanding of gender have changed greatly

Oh it was all downhill from there and so, so godawful. I finished it, grudgingly, and it just got more and more racist and terrible until limping across the finish line at the end of season 8. It should have ended when Agrestic burned, nothing after that was worthwhile.

Ooh I am excited about this show. I live in Los Angeles and am fascinated by High Desert culture, driving around out there it’s all like guns n’ ammo stores next to strange hippy art (some of it gets pretty methy). A lot of very poor locals, rich boho transplants and counter-cultural types who have lived there for

Even if they all voted against the strike, once the union has decided to strike they have to go out or risk blacklisting. But yes I want to know! Though there could be a lot of reasons, people who are not well off will have a harder time with this. 

I watch Bridgerton mostly for the costumes and production values and I honestly have been dreading this. They really don’t have to explain why they’re presenting a diverse regency setting with no racism, it’s a fantasy show, nothing on it is realistic, so let’s just have fun. The idea that an interracial relationship

Absolutely! I think all of these “explanations” are just saving face. 

But if Cristobal thought the decisions was Hank’s, then he didn’t get it. It still speaks to the earlier point that he should know how organized crime works, or Hank should say, “Not me, those guys will kill you.” 

Yeah I was thinking exposure too. If he loses blood + the temperature drops, he could absolutely die out there.