
I thought you were joking but the Blackstone connection is real. 

Yeah I live in LA and a lot of people have died on Mt. Baldy in the last few weeks, there have been a ton of these stories. It is very treacherous in the snow and people are not prepared.

I really liked Run Sweetheart Run, haven’t heard anyone talk about it. Love that that made your list!

There was an intentional editorial shift away from news and politics and towards celebrity garbage across all the former gawkerverse sites within the last few years. There are articles about it if you google. Jezebel’s news and politics articles are fewer and more asinine than ever, as a result. They skip a lot of

The books that Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon are based on also had a lot of underaged sex and incest, those shows got made and are extremely popular. So I don’t blame this team for thinking it’s possible. 

This is a bumer, I really liked that show. It was a really fun low-stakes summer sex comedy with some very charming performances. I like 70s aesthetics so I really dug the wardrobe and soundtrack as well! I didn’t think it stood much of a chance but I thought it would at least get season 2. Maybe another streamer will

See, I loved the first and second season and thought the third was just horribly unfunny. Hoping for the best with Season 4, at this point I’m just really fond of the cast and rooting for them!

I don’t know, I think for a lot of LGBTQ kids, the 2000s are objectively better than the 90s. Only in the last 20 years did we get legalized gay marriage, the end of don’t ask/don’t tell and more widespread acknowledgement and acceptance. Things aren’t great everywhere now (and I’d argue that it seems especially

Or lot’s of people were forced back into the office (kicking and screaming). The idea that things changed because people were clamoring to return to the workplace is a WSJ fantasy. 

Yeah, I got as far as episode 5 as well! I also said something about Wile E. Coyote while watching, I feel like we’re on the same page!

Is this show good? My husband and I got a few episodes in and the villain is sooo cartoonishly evil, how could anyone tolerate him for any amount of time? There’s no human or redeeming elements whatsover, it kind of strains credibility. Every single line his character utters is a pure evil social faux pas and that’s

Yeah the “wounded bird” line is SUCH a red flag. Girl, run. 

Yeah, totally lampshaded when Lucia was talking about how hotels were invented to make money off of people like her.

I love all of these actors (esp Kathleen Turner and the perpetually underrated Anna Faris) and I love a dark comedy. I’m bummed that this isn’t worth watching.

Ha, I’m teaching about chattel slavery in the United States right now and what you just said DEFINITELY applied to slave owners throughout the duration of that very peculiar institution. And that’s how a bunch of them got poisoned in Haiti. But yeah, they don’t think of the people under them as fully human and they

Megan is just the best.

Yep, that paragraph made me feel like I’ve lived too long and seen too much avclub. 

I will totally watch this but when even google failed, I figured out that it’s going to be on either AMC+ or BBC America, from the photo caption. Is it really that hard to include where viewers can find the media in the review?

She also has a bad pattern with abusers. I know these relationships are complicated but she has defended Chris Brown and collaborated with him post being brutally attacked by him.

One more thing. This: