
I think there’s a weight limit on tanning beds though. Not fat shaming js. Also, he is distracted thinking about a pizza. I know because I get that same look sometimes when I’m hangry. 🍕🍗🍤🍝🍔

That’s what has to change.

This is the slippery slope that leads to women being covered head to toe, not allowed to drive or work and only being allowed to go out with an escort “for their protection” The guys think that if she’s not covered, then she is fair game and asking for it. THIS treatment is exactly what smart women have been raging

He looks really smart to me! Sigh 💕

That’s the most important thing...what about the children? If they pee clean can they still get food stamps? When the parents lose the ability to feed them, then what? The state takes the kids? That always works out well...smh

Tennessee has the same awful discrimination laws since 2011. Seriously. Where’s the outrage?? There was a bit back then, but not enough and it still stands. They should be feeling some backlash until it is changed as well...

Aren’t there any of these Super Predators who are Chinese or Latin or White or some combination? Is it not wrong to always associate that to black teens in the first place? There are all races of people in jail who I think the term could apply to. Recognizing that there are sick evil individuals who we need to be

I like The Voice anyway. Glad AI is finally overstayed it’s welcome.

Looks like a cheap curtain. Ugh

Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina...they all need a kick in the pants!

Is that supposed to happen to everyone? I have had 2 babies and that didn’t happen.

Good thing he has a GF who he leeches off of to enable him...or he might have to actually get other work to keep from being homeless himself. Unless he’s disabled he should be working 2 REAL jobs.

That’s so wrong...really? Mary was a young teen and Trisha not. Wow.

I know right? Who is looking at Michelles hair?? Some dress? Naw girl...I would be looking at JT, slack jawed like an idiot!

Secret deodorant is great for preventing chafing.

I wanna be kissed like that! The whole face holding thing is hot. 💋💋

Is that a good thing? I just like his politics...and he’s so hot I’d like to put him on a plate and sop him up with a biscuit! 🍁🍁 (I mean that with all respect of course!)

Love this recent pic of them! So real. Who hasn’t wanted to silence their husband? lol