
The PM of Canada is definitely ogleworthy! 😉

What does the MC part stand for?

Odd and Misshapen!? Where? This man is fine!

I think similarly whenever I see Mike Tyson in a movie or on a talk “Why is this convicted rapist being admired and applauded?”

High5! ✋

Ew not in that pic...he looks too effeminate, phony and styled. Like the type of guy who doesn’t even know how to change a flat and would squeal if he got his hands dirty. That is only my opinion/taste of course...but if a guy in a pink shirt has more goo and salon highlights in his hair than me, my gaydar starts

I love this skit!

A lot of women are thrilled when it stops working! They should definitely need a permission slip because, if she’s 70, she may or may not want to see that old wrinkly thing come out of retirement! /s

UhOh Kim will have to pawn her ring...

They should jail the Grandfather and let the 3 year old be adopted by another family where, hopefully, he can be helped to forget all about this. It’s not his fault at all...1. Grandpa left a gun out. 2. Parents weren’t supervising the children properly.

I can’t see my feet when I look down...maybe she couldn’t either?

She’s old, cranky and works 45 days a year on her show while making millions for it. I guarantee she doesn’t want to be in the Supreme Court.

He doesn’t want to pay child support or coparent more kids with his ex.

Unless your religion is money and self promotion. He is not a nice man.

If I had his money I would live simply and give the majority of my personal profit away. I really truly would be deliriously happy to be blessed with the good fortune to change people’s lives.

If Trump was a Christian he wouldn’t live like he does. He would give away his money to the needy, be humble and live simply. I know well off people who do that and I have a lot of respect for them. Don’t elect him, pray for him.

What are they going to do, give them a lie detector test? Run a black lamp all over and up into their bodies looking for semen or anal tears? It’s not like anyone couldn’t just lie and say it’s been 18 months...when actually it was 18 hours. Do they think gay folk are going to go abstinent that long to give blood?

He didn’t tell them. My Uncle was a wise man.

My uncle’s friends sent him a Lottery ticket in a Christmas card one year and he won $60,000! This was in the 80s, so he was able to pay off all of his bills, take a trip AND buy a nice new truck. Best present ev-er...but only if you win!