
He wasn’t violating any zoning laws, and his request for a special permit for the garage was turned down because he didn’t actually even need a special permit.

Now, all my info is from reading about this with the oddest sense of Schadenfreude, but....
It was billed as cashless festival where you were supposed to load money onto wristbands, I sort of envision it being like Apple Pay or Samsung Pay but on a bracelet. So apparently some folks didnt have cash on them at all,

Sympathy. One of my... charming sweet innocent little... children... managed to overwrite a lego batman 3 save in the 90-something percent completion range.

Have we hit a hundred people telling you to bring an empty bottle for water yet?

I have weird eating habits and blood sugar issues, so airplane food isn’t the best of options. I just went from the States to the UK and back with mixed nuts and store bought peanut butter crackers and chocolate in my carry-on with no weird looks or anything :)

I wanted to know too, so i’m volunteering that Google thinks they meant Monsters Ball.

is $35 right now, i dont know if the sale ended or if something got linked wrong.

is $35 right now, i dont know if the sale ended or if something got linked wrong.

Seems kinda lazy to advertise a sale from Squishables and not mention the company name anywhere or link to their big sale. Oh, wait, its being sold via Modcloth? Well, why not mention that.... anywhere?

Seems kinda lazy to advertise a sale from Squishables and not mention the company name anywhere or link to their big

oh my god, those tags

I hate that I know any of this, but TMZ is reporting that she wasn’t involved and was at home and often loans her car to friends. Just a heads up with an eye towards the legalese...

Walking Dead had a gay couple, off the top of my head. Unable to give a decent list at the moment

And it isn’t even Sweeps Week!

Machines go in the list as NPCs maybe?

You sound cuddly. Not fat. Just sayin’.

I know where Arya’s probably headed, because Books, but...

The SunCast Resin Box is coming up $89.99 for me?

The SunCast Resin Box is coming up $89.99 for me?

Janet Howell, Virginia. Hero lawmaker, at least on this.

Dumb question, but I have to ask. Was this after True Blood started airing?

All the people replying about She-Wee's and nobody pointed out the ladies of Jezebel once gave the things a test run on a... was it a rooftop? A patio? There had been drinking, and there was video. I think it was Dodai that really mastered the device.

You're River Song, of course women hit on your husband - you married the Doctor!