
Yeah, I'm 32 now, so my mom's freaking out about my "window closing!!!" and BF's mom claims to want a grandchild before she "get's too old" (she just turned 60 & is in fine shape), but I'm not quite there yet. And my paternal grandmother is totally in my corner, which helps out at holidays.

Her parliamentary inquiry was never actually addressed, which it looks like people wanted to point out to him when they were calling roll. She pwned him, the crowd cheered forever, and then he just decided during the cheering to call the vote.

I want to be the Johnny Appleseed of Sex Ed in this country. Ol' Jamie Condomsfree—that's what they'll call me. Instead of wandering the country sprinkling about apple seeds, I want to go around with my condoms and birth control pills, throwing them willy-nilly to the delight of all the horny teenagers.