Lisa Elizabeth



Heh. I spent that whole storyline shouting at the screen, “TWO DAYS.” I mean, damn, if some guy had said I was the love of his life, my soulmate, and I literally let myself be brutally murdered in order to rescue him from a hostage situation... and then he knocked up a random barely legal girl two fucking days after I

This is really complicated even by soap opera standards.

That is serious commitment. I wore out my Joseph tape as a kid and my parents had to go out and buy the CD (and a CD player!) because I couldn't fall asleep without it. I was a weird kid.

“Kids dressed like grown ups” is second only to “kids in costume when it’s not halloween” in levels of cuteness. If I had kids I would be dressing them in tiny three piece suits all year round. (In this fantasy I obviously also have at least two nannies and enough disposable income to dress a child better than I

How you know you're a bonafide theater kid: you say DESHTINY at the beginning of One Day More without hesitation because that's how Colm says it on the CD that you played every single afternoon while doing your homework and there is no other way.

I love the typo in your comment. How do you get to Carnage Hall? (cue screeching, stabbing music from “Psycho”)

Audra & Jesse’s Cosette/Marius v. Jane’s Eponine was EVERYTHING.

What’s so special with this Corden guy? Every time I try to lure celebrities into my car I get a restraining order from the police the next day.

The last 3 minutes of this had me literally clasping my hands in joy.

this was delightful and anyone that disagrees is grossly wrong and should never speak to me again

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

The Kardashians are BlackFyre pretenders.

Jurnee seems alright but OH MY GOD! That was one of the dumbest storylines on a show full of shit storylines. Everyone involved deserved better.

And I still fail to see how this is proof positive that she wasn’t the victim of abuse several years later. Fucking dumb.

Jurnee Smollett-Bell is pregnant. [People]

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.

I will never understand how those Christian gay conversion camps are legal. That poor girl.

They’re going to do Lady Stoneheart. I can feel it. All the pieces are still there and the internet is going to break.