Ms. Poodle

Really well said! So much what makes TLJ work so well is that it’s a lot about Kylo and Rey forging their own destinies and what makes their story both a tragedy and a triumph is that they really do want the same thing, to discover their place in the galaxy, it just so happens that they have very different ideas about

I was grinning like a damn fool through the entire movie. Not only did it manage to embrace what I’ve always felt was the true message and meaning of the Force, but it did so in a way that managed to redeem the prequels for me.

It’s essentially the most un-Star Wars movie ever made.

Kind of surprised a card-carrying Objectivist hasn’t given you the “well, actually” yet.

I had an objectivist “explain” it to me, once. It involves “working with the system”, since they couldn’t change it, or some shit.

No NuWho? Surely, we must mention the Abzorbaloff. I mean, forgetting his questionable physical appearance, the dude threw any fashion sense out the door, and just decided to go with naked...and a mohawk. I guess the cane is an accessory though?

It’s a staple that all Doctor Who villains look dumb. I mean I love me some Dalek but it’s a dumb design as well. It’s just a dumb design we love. With that in mind, Monarch is rad, and I disown you for including him on this list.

All Hail His Greatness, Movellan Prime!!

This was my feeling too. It was okay, the beach fight scene and the trench fight were cool, but the writing, in particular the humor, was pretty flat. If you compare it to something like Iron Man, the clunkiness of the dialog is pretty obvious.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Tom Jumbo-Grumbo. 

I believe that’s currently a rider on the GOP tax bill. At least, in the Senate version. It was attached by Senator MeowMeowFuzzyface (R-Montana), leader of the Adorable Cutie Caucus.

Yup, he is the Wizard of the party.

Even better - Peter Dinklage is rumored to be in the new Avengers movie. And I’m guessing not as Dr. Trask.

America - please remember the UK is really small and the weather sucks. So if you’re all going to come over at once, pack light and bring a coat.

Let’s all fly to Britain and start camping out now.

Mantis waiving was the cherry on top of the ice cream cake that was also filled with Kit Kats, Twix and Dutch apple pie.

It is a perfect way to throw them in there. lol Neat.

I can build a machine that does that, sure. It’ll take about 6 months to build, though.

The end of that trailer made me happier than it has any reason to make a bitter, jaded, worn out husk of a person.