
Newell never said Korver didn't jump. He said he was flat footed starting the shot (not stepping into the shot or coming off a screen). Of course he jumped, it's not a free throw. You're either a troll, a moron, or both.

So we thought, why not go ahead and take a dive into the rest of the numbers and see what we find?

One of his reasons he gave was the basketball played in the NBA right now was some of the worst he's ever seen. And he's fucking lying right through his teeth.

"I don't usually share drama on social media"

Proud of you Jennifer. Don't listen to the assholes. This is how progress is made. Two steps forward, then a hesitant shuffle to the side, and then WHAM, three steps backwards through the air.

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.

THIS. My wife and I spend plenty of time doing our own thing, but always come back together to do things we enjoy together. It's perfectly healthy for her to watch a show she likes in a different room while I play Battlefield after work. We're not ignoring each other, we're simply participating in recreational

I believe it's time to bring this "holier than thou" post from the Michigan asshole back up again

I know what Deadspin's crew of cretins is thinking, but let me offer a reality check up front before this gets out of hand. It is never funny to make jokes about the University of Michigan.

I struggled in every grade of school, even though I was considered "bright". Adderall has changed my entire life and career now that I can actually, you know, accomplish shit now that I can focus.

There were dozens of hoops to jump though, doctors to meet with, and evaluations to undergo. But due to Adderall's stigma,

yeea but still.....Crabtree woud've looked like a punk shaking his hand with time still on the clock.

From Kayla Knapp:

I like to watch Manziel lose to knock his raging ego down a few notches.
I like to watch Sherman lose to knock his raging ego down a few notches.

I enjoy the implication that if you don't like Kanye or consider him a genius then it's obviously because he's black...not because he's an egotistical asshole who makes music that not everybody likes

Give it a year and everyone will hate Kaepernick more. Anyone who has spent any amount of time watching him play/press conferences, that isn't a 49ers fan, already likely does hate him. And, unlike Brady, it isn't a jealous type hatred. Dude is just a Grade A all around D-Bag who acts like he's the greatest QB ever,

I really like this, if only because it makes Ken Gurnick sound as rational as someone who thinks we shouldn't have cured polio.


"Around" isn't the only thing he's not fucking.

Is this at an ice rink or is Larry Sanders a newborn giraffe?