
yo richie i'm at starbucks you want coffee yo

Geez, talk about an offensive lineman, amirite?!?!

You sound like my dad. He's old and fears things that make our lives better.

I'll go ahead and declare you as someone who doesn't care if the right call is made.

I like this game. What's it called again? Ignore the Evidence and Kill the Messenger?

I liken this to someone telling me to lock the doors of my house. If I don't, am I asking to get robbed? No, but maybe it's a good idea to do it, just because there ARE criminals in the world, and they may like to take my things.

There's definitely a big difference between victim blaming ("You got raped because you were drunk. It's your own fault") and advising people to take steps to protect themselves ("Don't get drunk, it increases your risk of getting raped"). It's too bad that some people's desire to be offended affects their critical

You're completely missing the point. And, by the way, I wouldn't be so sure that your gender exempts you from risk. The reason I have been so careful about my language here ("potential victim" instead of "women") is because there have been cases on my campus of men being sexually assaulted or otherwise attacked

I'm with you. Equality is a bitch. Throw a punch, take a punch.

Hey, maybe if she didn't wanna get hit, she should have been born a man and then hit this guy even harder with her stronger, faster arms.