
It isn’t wise to inject anything that passed through Tampa, not without a full decontamination cycle.

I still can’t get over on the fact that TB backed their kicker up 7 yards. Yeah he should make it at that distance, but don’t make you kicker’s job harder, especially when he has already missed two PATs. Maybe losing two yards to center it is worth it, but you could do that without taking the delay of game penalty.

The thing about crowning achievements is that some societies are so starved of leadership that they’ll bestow rule with the least forethought. Defeating a backwards rabble of pirates is hardly the foundation of government.

Charles Woodson always looks like a million bucks. Once on SportsCenter he was wearing his usual signature ascot & the impressed anchor asked where he bought it. Woodson laughed bemusedly & informed the guy you don’t just go buy his ascots off the rack (I assume he has a tailor), but that he would get one and send it

sane people knew this game would be a bloodbath. that game could’ve easily been 49-0 

I can’t believe the Patriots went to all this trouble to beat the Dolphins.

A moron who’s gotten away with this behavior his whole life bc he’s a star athlete.

Sisters in law? Oh wait, you meant that as a rhetorical question.

What kind of moron sends threats in a GROUP text?  

The stupid thing is Josh Gordon has been suspended numerous times for being a pot head. Antonio Brown is still playing even though it is starting to look like the accusations are probably true about him.

I was all in on him a few weeks ago when he was being an asshole to other football men and football watcher guys were losing their shit about what a nutcase they thought he was.

I’m no lawyer, but I think the legal term for sending those texts is: Really Bad Idea.

I’m starting to think there’s something wrong with this guy. 

I've typed out like 6 different jokes but I can't bring myself to post any. This shit isn't funny. This fucker shouldn't be playing in the NFL right now making millions of dollars. He should be in jail or therapy or both. Fuck this guy.

Any reason you photoshopped in a different picture of Darnold’s face on top of this one?

He's what stupid people think a smart person is. 

A wiser man than I summed him up best- Gladwell writes books for people who don’t read books.

He’ll address those inconsistencies in his upcoming book, Not Only Just the Tip-ping Point

Gladwell has made an absolute killing by writing “Maybe just trust your gut” to boomers who just wanted confirmation bias that everything they think is right anyway.

Also, you don’t need a PhD to understand child rape/molestation. Paterno was a force and an institution at Penn State. He didn’t do that by being a kindly

Simmons: Right.