
That White contributor should get a gold medal in the Olympics for all of the stretching that he had to do to avoid outright condemning that dumbass president. It’s like White people think that if they just hold the line and don’t take responsibility that we’re going to forget about this bullshit.

Unless the Post chose only to use the quotes about money with the father, I think I may know why Sgt. Baldrige made his mother the sole beneficiary and why the parents aren’t together to share it.

Good God, Trump is a monster, yet, 18 months is a long ass time to come through on a promise. I don’t care who the President is, don’t play with people emotions, that’s pretty fucked up.

When we first moved to Florida I was sitting at the computer at the front of the house. The cats tore past me with horrified looks on their faces. I got up to see what the problem was- it was a family of wild turkeys standing in the back deck peering into the windows.

He should be using a telescope, although a monocle might be more dignified.

You did though. Also, while your local branch may be post-racial and all, your church - your national church is as racist as the rest and they are decidedly a white church - look at their history, yes, but also their current leadership.

You just “I have black friends” this discussion. That is your church. Enjoy it, be a good member, do your thing. And, know your church’s racist history that isn’t very old and is still quite prominent.

It must be pointed out to the condo owners who bought in this fancy building that if they had enough money to buy on a higher floor, the goings on in the park would be less visible. Nothing shuts up kvetches like this as quickly as implying that they are cheap.

There’s not many churches that can say they only ended segregation within my lifetime (1973), but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is definitely one: “Despite the end of the priesthood ban in 1978, racist beliefs in the church prevailed. White church member Eugene England, a professor at Brigham Young

Hey dumbass, its the Country that’s the problem, not the kid.

Even if that were true* (“just as many women that act just as shitty”), there’d have to be just as many women in roles of power, which for sure isn’t true.

Haha, cute. I work in this industry. Literally none of my industry friends were surprised by news of Weinstein’s abuses. Not because they necessarily knew first-hand, but because it’s so commonplace and Weinstein is just the tip of the iceberg. Stating this fact does not in any way diminish the fact that more

For starters, you might want to watch that again, because the guy was in his face shouting him down. The racist was well aware of that and didnt want to interact with him at all, constantly dodging him to goad on the big guy in the red hat. Pretty sure his intentions to get that guy to attack him were clear.

If you

I’m going to go ahead and suggest he’s not a lawyer. Or at least not one who can legally practice... hence having his schedule free to drink shitty beer on public transportation.

He should be trying to understand why the players are kneeling instead of towing Moron Don’s line. Pence is a tool. It’s 2017. Who calls their wife Mother?

President Asshat himself said on Twitter that he ordered Mike Pence to leave the game if players took a knee during the national anthem.

I don’t consider losing Trumpkins a loss. Of course being Black and sane my family doesn’t have any. (Thank God!) YMMV.

You’re asking people to feel awkward and uncomfortable with their family and friends and you couldn’t feel awkward and uncomfortable with your friend. Confront your friend about his dad. Racist enablers aren’t going to have awkward conversations with their family unless they feel awkward and uncomfortable about

My elderly Jewish aunt made a comment at a recent Thanksgiving (i know, cliche. At least she wasn’t my uncle) about “wiping them all out” referencing Muslims. I shut her right down. I said in the same sharp tone as if disciplining a child, “Hey! Jews do NOT advocate genocide!” she backed down. I don’t kid myself