
Breanna, thank you for putting this story out with Hepatitis B(ecky)‘s mugshot front and center. I’ve seen too many articles using the nasty bitch’s “cute” instapics and I’ve been calling out the authors. Fuck that noise.

Don’t worry, he’ll rebound like other Family Feud hosts and end up in drag on a lightly-watched Zack Galifinakis FX show in about two decades.

Just as a friendly reminder, African Americans and Latinos are by far the most religious of our country’s larger ethnic groups (including white Americans). So you’re essentially saying that those two minority groups are almost entirely made up of low IQ individuals who are also quite racist. Which I disagree with, but

Kyle Anger, Mikadyn Payne

Jesus. Sadly, all it takes is one kid to get a stupid idea, and the others will go along with it. We all hope our kid is the one to say, “That’s stupid, let’s not do that”, but apparently, that kid wasn’t one of this group.

And it was a Ph.D. with no publications, IIRC, which is almost a joke.

Further proof that people with advanced degrees aren’t necessarily able to transfer their expertise over to other areas. She’s been cringeworthy for years.

I don’t think she’s gotten that much praise to be honest. Sure, some people fall for her shtick but when she’s not being a concern-trolling faux feminist, she’s espousing bullshit attachment parenting, anti-vaxxing and fundamentalist religion. She’s kind of a nutter.

You just wrote an amazing outline for a post that Mayim can’t write because she clearly lacks basic self reflection skills. The fact that she was not sexually assaulted meant she was lucky, and instead of realizing that, she decided to look down on the “pretty” girls. Just disgusting.

Nearly everything Mayim writes is sprinkled with this deep-rooted decades old insecurity over her looks. Her piece reads almost resentful that these gorgeous women, who she’s never been able to live up to, have always gotten more male attention than her. That’s coupled with this smugness that those same looks that get

I don’t know how she did it, but prior to this essay she managed to receive praise from “liberals” and always seemed to gain their praise. I’ve read other writing of hers, and I was only surprised by how blatant the victim blaming and such in her essay.

I feel like she wasted an opportunity to address how some men have no interest in interacting with women in a non sexual way and how sometimes you escape being a victim and sometimes your career stalls cause you are ignored. And how women judge each other for it. We internalize it and blame eachother. We need to have

THIS! What the fuck is going on at your house that makes your child think “I’ll simulate gang rape on some n—-!” Are they being abused? Do their parents wax on poectly on rape? Did they leave the videos of them in their white hoods out?

I think LaineyGossip said something very astute about the whole thing. They said something to the effect of Blossom stays mad that her career is a non factor based on how she looks. The article isn’t really about sexual assault it’s about her re airing her hurt. Which is obvious, but here is where lainey turns it.

Why are we blurring the faces of these racist ass thugs?

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

So, just to be clear, this is rape, right?

I was talking about this with a friend. I read it and eye-rolled so hard.

“I felt bad for my child who had to experience this.”

Just wanna point out that both can be true: that Maraj raped the victim AND that the victim/family demanded money to drop the charges.