
Tina is simply full of shit. She knows there’s nothing Christian about Trump but her “faith” has her holding on to some backwards misogynistic, classist, prejudices ideas.

Galatians 5:22-23 NIV

This is why I’m not here for any black person who voted for Donald Trump but particularly not for black people her age (43). If you are a black person in your 40's you are old enough to remember the Central Park Five. And you are old enough to remember that Donald Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Times

“I didn’t really like either of the candidates, if I’m being honest, but I had to vote” - fuck anybody that prefaces their defense of voting for him like this. Also F her & ppl that are still using their religion as a crutch for not making informed choices & being terrible citizens of this planet.

Very good article. You were able type in a way that I wasn’t able to fully articulate my frustrations with why conservatives automatically think they are a party of Christian values. That’s not to say that Democrats are either, but they are not popularly linked with that ideology the way that conservatives are.

“Fucking Christ, so many men I know find him to be some kind man they aspire to.” Seriously? Where the fuck do you live? Maybe it’s time to move?

At least 75% of adult men can grow a beard. Aspire higher.

The thought they never seem to think about, when they bravely claim they’d shoot bullets out of the air, is that as soon as they stand up and start waving their gun around, the “good guy with a gun” is now indistinguishable from the bad guy with his gun. And if five or six of them all have the same courageous

The women in these pictures make me sad.


My first thought when I heard about the shooting was “country music festival...there must have been more than one good guy with a gun there to protect himself.”

“Y’all done fucked up this city!” Black people sent all the jobs in Detroit overseas, you stupid hag? Lmao, I wish we had that kind of power. I would ship her entire peckerwood ass overseas, not just her job.

Great, now Islamic State is trolling. Cut it out and get ready for your big game against Trump U.

She stupid...

Girl, Bye! I wondered who the 5% of black women were who voted for marmalade mussolini so now one has outed herself. Maybe what really bothered her about Hillary was she couldn’t stand seeing a woman who handled being cheated on yet remained classy and kept her dignity. Perhaps if Hillary had acted like a hood rat and

I NEVER comment. I always read articles; then rant and rave to my husband, mom, or laptop. However, when she said that I had to put hands on keys and express my ABSOLUTE DISGUST.

I can’t stand intellectual laziness wrapped up in Christian rhetoric.

HE LITERALLY LIVES IN A GILDED HOUSE!!! This woman is an idiot or a cognitively dissonant, latent bigot...or a semi-shrewd conscious one.

So, long story short, she’s dumb.

“I was faced with two presidential candidates that I really did not approve of,” Campbell elaborated. “And so I had to find something, a commonality with one of them, that would make me feel like if I have to vote, I should utilize my right to vote. Since I don’t prefer either of them, what can I find that would make