Lip Service

So just like when Varejao played in the little leagues. Win or lose he goes home a winner.

He would be perfect as the clean-up hitter for the Atlanta Braves.

Actually this makes me like him even more.

As a Sixers fan your only excitement in life is winning the NBA draft lottery.

Gives a whole new meaning to “Put my foot up your ass.”

The first 59 minutes are designed to lower your expectations for the final minute, which is going to be good.

What does this have to do with Atlanta? This guy lives in Macon, and the Braves got rid of their mascot decades ago. Your charicture of “southerners” is charming though. Looks like they are more “evolved” than you.

I like this guy. He’s a straight shooter. And at the end of the day honesty really is the best policy.

“It’s never happened far as I know.”

Even the ball was like...screw it!

Wicked hardcore historic.

That’s using your head!

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

He’d make a better Jets fan!

Jesus Christ it’s times like this that I feel there is no hope for the future of this country. Really we are now reduced to complaining about the glare of lights. “Oh dear Lawd will somebody please blackout the light’s the glare is just making me crazy.” Just shut the fuck up and watch the game you fucking losers.

Who the fuck took this post out of the grays?

You just know sometime later in the day a discussion like this happened, “Gee Becky you like totally made out with that pavement.”