Lip Service

Can we all just wait for Adam Schefters leaked medical information before we start making assumptions.

The Eureka moment. Finally!!

How adorable! And the baby is cute too.

Hey grandson this is some random ball that I stole at a meaningless spring training game. Isn’t it great.

I can’t tell which one is the jack-ass

Gees no one in the NFL had the foresight to make sure that the FIRST EVER Super Bowl would be locked away in a fucking vault somewhere in New York and eventually once the technology became available, preserved on a digital format and available for all future generations. It is amazing to me how the NFL could be this

Terminal Velocity

...and his 18th marriage.

Imagine that, he has an account past due. But his carry license is up-to-date.

These brave men are on the front lines of stupidity.

I can see how yelling “You Baby” could be confusing in certain crowds.

Man just quit while you are behind. Take your lumps and move on.

Suddenly somebody urinating on your food Taco Bell doesn’t sound so bad.

That pun by Sharpe should have been flagged. Damn bro that was horrible.

The South was just waiting for reinforcements from all the illegals crossing the border from Mexico, unfortunately they came about 130 years too late.

Nobody should speak out. The more of those idiots that kill each other the better.

Dude this is not really the appropriate forum to be telling people you are from Alabama. You should only do that when you apply for your passport to enter the United States.