
"I mean, there's a fucking traffic report IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SONG"

I guess by misguided I meant "not enjoyable from the audience's perspective".

You sound like an Uncle Willard

Is this the most misguided use of progeny by a director since Judd Apatow put his girls in 'This is 40'?

That was the beginning of the end for me as far as Kevin Smith goes. Alanis Morissette as God was just the dingleberry on top of that pile of dog poop

LOL all that rage over a bad review of another piddling Kevin Smith movie.

That's like, your opinion man

Glorious. In a gay dating show she's still making it about herself.

Who says she wanted dignity?

I still remember watching an old TV documentary about Jon and Kate documenting their struggle with their new litter of 6 as well as Kate going in for a tummy tuck (courtesy of a very generous plastic surgeon who had seen them on TV before). Such innocent times. We didn't know that Kate would turn into a nasty harpy

Eh, he's got his Oscar and hot wife. He'll be fine

I don't. But I still have to deal with the HBO promos. Far too much for me. Sorry about it.

Whatever keeps her from being on a TV screen is OK with me. Good luck Ms. Dunham!

This reminds me of the South Park episode where Britney didn't have half her head (after a botched suicide) and she still performed at the VMAs

She's just an unfortunate side effect of Lorde.

Sadly I know who Halsey is because she has that horrible shitty song "Americana" about being raised on Biggie and Nirvana. Makes me want to shove bamboo shards under my nails every time it comes on the radio.

Raven and Juju were on season 1 of All Stars. I don't think they would eligible, but I'm not sure that's write

Michelle really dug into Adore but she wasn't wrong. The dress was not flattering. She also tore into Phi Phi so it was not an arbitrary / unfair critique.

Aw I think I'd miss Michelle even when I disagree with her critiques half the time

To be fair this isn't really Adores first episode, technically.