
Being a supporter of feminism and being a cheater are not necessarily incompatible. But since the left is insistent that allies be pure and perfect, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

She has no reason to lie, right?

Margaret Cho stopped being funny once the jokes about her mom got old and repetitive

Nazi adjacent = Nazi.

The implication may be that women are inferior but he didn't literally say it. Don't JMP to conclusions teeheehee


"His reference to biological differences between races"
Couldn't find that on the memo. He does say "Stop restricting programs and classes to certain genders or races.".

Are they this angry about Colin Kaepernick's free speech?

So it's a bit more complicated than that. He did this on a company communication channel…this wasn't just something he posted on his own FB or Twitter.

He "literally" didn't say that. Do you know what that word means?

"Will it happen for Taylor Lautner? No way in hell."

I recall most of the crap that went the actors' way was directed at Kristen Stewart and mostly because of her subdued (almost depressed) manner during interviews and premieres. Which in retrospect, can you blame her?

What the hell did I just read? This website's sad journey down the toilet continues

" things like hate for SJW's and Tumblrinas is rampant and I think the idea of a "feminist" music festival would push conservatives over the edge to insanity.:

It's not like saying "I don't even own a TV". Now THAT is something to brag about.

"I think this was graded on a pretty favorable curve."

Same general laziness that leads them to nominate Modern Family every fuckin' year.

Sasha, I didn't even know you were a bitch.

" Stop trying to make drag one-dimensional."

Hell naw. Adore's lazy grunge slob realness is not fit for the crown.