Slow your roll Flo. I was just kidding. I agree it's dumb to say Valentina coopted roses. I think Oliver's not fond of her and throwing a bit of shade .
Slow your roll Flo. I was just kidding. I agree it's dumb to say Valentina coopted roses. I think Oliver's not fond of her and throwing a bit of shade .
I just wrote the same thing. Bianca would not have survived two lip syncs. I get RuPaul wanted to mix things up but I hope this is not the standard moving forward
Interesting and not surprising. I really wonder if there's going to be any lingering / long term resentment for Valentina. Her fans are obviously obsessed / crazy in the head for her but if she can't work with the rest of the queens then it could be an issue.
Your tone seems very pointed right now.
Kudos to Sasha for winning based on the format (no denying she killed the two lip syncs) but based on what they did on the show, Sasha winning would be like oatmeal winning best breakfast.
True. Honestly I'm just being a contrarian more than anything. Valentina is obviously so self-involved. I mean, she got like two notes during her Untucked and one was from Peppermint. That's like getting your yearbook signed by your guidance counselor.
This is true. Although again I wasn't questioning her performing ability at all. Just kinda ironic that her Drag Race memorable moments are so tied to somebody she loathes.
Not questioning her performing ability. I'm just saying that for the duration of her appearance on the show her big storyline was how much she hates Valentina.
And yet people wanna see her! Imagine that
Just say it's because of racism and get it over with. :-D
I usually have no patience for Reddit but I had to go look. Definitely explains a certain someone's high levels of sodium
Did we hear every single other queen come after her? I love how people are questioning the edit of the episodes but not of the reunion
Valentina definitely should have and could have posted something addressing the most extreme fans. Not saying she should be constantly monitoring though. At some point it is out of her hands. She just didn't really try
After the season ended it was a toss-up between Trinity and Shea as far as who I wanted to win but after Shea's excessive lording over the other queens I'm firmly on #teamtrinitythetuck
I'm slightly disappointed in how she turned out to be but honestly I still would have rather have her in the top four and I'm infinitely more curious to see how her career turns out than seeing Farrah Moans wear another pink frock or Aja spackle on more foundation.
I honestly don't think these were really issues that happened in the show, at least not to the degree of intensity displayed at the reunion. This all appears to stem from their interactions and fan reactions on social media after the episodes aired
" I found her "calling out" everyone to be excessive and a little self righteous"
Good point. Doesn't make her a better or more compelling queen ( I see a couple folks saying she should be on AS3 based on her reading Valentina) but definitely would have been more interesting presence on the show.
I wish Farrah had spoken up more during the actual show. Or maybe she did and producers only decided to show her at one speed, "sniveling baby"
But how come runaway winners like Bob, Bianca and Jinxx never got this level of hatred?