I hate myself for knowing what your post meant.
I hate myself for knowing what your post meant.
The editing doesn't support Mei moving forward. I feel bad for Doug…I totally would have gotten stuck with those ant eggs if I was in that position.
"She made the same, boring thing every week. "
"To be fair to Gregory, why -shouldn't- he have played it safe? "
D'oh. Of course. I guess I have blocked out that fiasco of a finale from my memory!
I was going to say the same thing. And actually "We're The Millers" was pretty solid. Not every comedy has to be a Wes Anderson joint.
So what's your point? That George didn't get through because he's straight or that there should be 3 other chefs in the final 3? Who would those 3 be?
I think you meant Gregory is gay?
It wasn't admittedly the most "creative" or "innovative" but it did offer something that apparently the judges hadn't tasted before (walnut miso). Once Gregory said "tom kha" and really wasn't straying from the traditional way of making that dish I knew he'd be in trouble.
I have never heard of a walnut miso. Melissa's flavor profile was apparently very different from what she normally does. Not quite "innovation" but different from her.
Katsuji is annoying as f*** and hopefully he won't weasel his way back via LCK. I recently saw him on an episode of Chopped and he was obnoxious and condescending towards the female contestants. He's just the male version of Josie Malave.
" The one contestant who actually knew the work he was basing his dish on gets penalized?" Knowing the work wasn't really the challenge though, it was translating it into the best-tasting dish. It seems like Gregory felt short of his vision.
Come on Libby, don't yield to the demands of Mrs. Blais up there.
I guess by "Ignored" I meant "don't obsess over it and just roll with the punches".
"senseless dislike of Blais" Nothing senseless about it. Richard Blais is a show-off smarmy dick…it's in the Book of Revelations.
Surely there's a middle ground between "personality of a head of lettuce" and "David from Real World 2 Los Angeles". Gregory isn't it…to be fair, this batch of contestants is pretty unmemorable.
As much as I said I wasn't going to watch this season after last season's hideous finale result (nope, I didn't taste the food, but I still think Nina got robbed and Colicchio's excuses during the reunion were BS) I still tuned in. Just in time to see Padma serve a slice of bitchcake to the guy with the hat for giving…
Libby, you had me at "Bitchin' about Blaise". At last, a recapper that seems to have actually watched the show before.
Eh, the only thing I've seen him is that Chase credit card commercial. He doesn't bother me too much.
The difference being that Curtis Stone is not a self-important supercilious prick.