I think Zack also may have lost some votes due to the "Cute" factor. He just looks too much like Alfred E. Newman.
I think Zack also may have lost some votes due to the "Cute" factor. He just looks too much like Alfred E. Newman.
""How Does Ciara Stay So Dry?" The second-worst Judy Blume novel. Behind "Who do you talk to about pussy", of course.
Ricky is an amazing technical dancer and his win was pretty much a gimme. The whole finale just dragged and once Zack got cut the whole proceedings was even more leaden.
"While I fully understand the love for Ricky and his amazing technical skills, I am still kind of meh on him" I'm on the same boat. IMO he hasn't done anything amazing since the top 20 routine with Jessica. Partially this may be because he got partnered with Valerie? This season is just becoming a bit of a slog…
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Rudy make it to the end. He’s so damn smarmy and annoying I want to kick my TV when he’s on it.
Cyrus is the Oscar Pistorious of this show. Nigel's rant/defense of him was embarrassing and transparent. All he did was lift up his partner and lurch around for a bit. His "raw energy" amount to some mediocre emoting.
Cyrus is the Oscar Pistorious of this show. Nigel's rant/defense of him was embarrassing and transparent. All he did was lift up his partner and lurch around for a bit. His "raw energy" amount to some mediocre emoting.
The biggest loser of the night is that heckler. There's so many easy ways to insult Sarah Palin as the ignorant waste of skin that she is. I mean, she IS a media whore but I'd like to think that the devil is a lot more clever and better learned than that twatffle.
The biggest loser of the night is that heckler. There's so many easy ways to insult Sarah Palin as the ignorant waste of skin that she is. I mean, she IS a media whore but I'd like to think that the devil is a lot more clever and better learned than that twatffle.
"and for once, a nice guy actually won"
"and for once, a nice guy actually won"
I'm only happy when you've AIDS
I'm only happy when you've AIDS
They should just start having auditions outside train stations and coffee shops.
They should just start having auditions outside train stations and coffee shops.