“I also know there are many people who fly the flag in their yards or have a symbol on their truck and it’s not a racist symbol to them, it’s about their Southern heritage.”
It’s not an unpopular opinion, it’s an incorrect and ignorant one. Spend some time with kids who have autism. See what happens when they’re overwhelmed and lash out because they literally cannot understand the barrage of stimuli coming at them.
You fucking piece of shit - do you have any experience with autism? Do you know what a parent with an autistic child goes through? Do you know how hard fought the battle has been for teachers and authorities to start distinguishing autism from run-of-the-mill bad behavior? How many smart autistic kids end up kicked…
“The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”
This is what zero tolerance gets you. It was easier for schools and police departments to have a “zero tolerance policy” for any kind of violence in schools then to have the professional adults actually put thought into each incident and think what’s best for the teachers and students.
Even if she were undocumented, I’d rather have her in my country than those cowards in /pol/.
Brigitte Yasamin is a high school senior in Washington state, and she recently learned that one of her classmates…
He was pulled over in the town of Covington when police noticed the bullet holes on his car...
I get where FTC is going with this but I think the bigger problem is “influencers” who are sent things for free then rave about them aren’t technically considered sponsored and they don’t always disclose that they got things for free clearly. They just leave vague sounding disclosures saying some items in the video…
I am a survivor too. Rehabilitation isn’t about improving perpetrators lives. It’s about preventing reoffending. So as much as I may like the idea of increasing stigma and making rapists suffer I ultimately care more about having them never ever do it again.
I expected so much more of Bloomberg reporters the head of communication for Juicero
If you own one of these machines, or invested money in it, your right to vote should be taken away because you are fucking idiot.
Now, new research suggests making it harder for offenders to find a place to live might increase reoffending. In a study released in July 2016, researchers from the California and Canadian justice departments looked at more than 1,600 California sex offenders on probation or parole. Overall, the group’s sex-crime…
It amazes me how awful the internet can be, and on the flip-side, how compassionate it can be.
Maybe he finally looked his daughter in the eye, only to be overwhelmed by existential despair when he saw how ashamed she was of him.
He engaged in (some manner of unconventional sex act) with (non-human animal/completely inappropriate human animal) while at (some Trump property), attending a conference sponsored by (right wing organization which firmly denounces the sex act in question).
As an autistic woman, I want to say thank you for this article and especially for using female gamers are examples. Representation of autistics in media and the news overwhelmingly focuses on a narrow archetype that contributes to the under-diagnosis of people who aren’t represented.