
If you’re comparing him to Mayweather than yes, I feel it’s an apt descriptor. MMA-style boxing is shoddy at best when compared to “pure” boxing, for a variety of reasons specific to the sport itself. Being a great MMA boxer doesn’t make one even a mediocre pure boxer. And being a good amateur doesn’t make one a good

As someone who used to box and still trains and spars occasionally, I can tell you with certainty that not only is McGreggor not a good boxer...he is an absolutely trash boxer. There were a few clips of him sparring with some below-top-10 boxers, and they just toyed with him. He got completely gassed in a sparring

I’d love some more out-of-the-box fantasy for their next couple modules. I think WotC could learn a lot from what some of the OSR community is putting out.

For more reading on autism and the history of people living with autism, try “Neurotribes” by Steve Silberman. It’s a fascinating book and provides a lot of insight. As a disclosure, I’m an distant acquaintance of his.

Guess what: the science says that these services are helpful in not just keeping people disease-free, but also connecting them to treatment and addiction services. So in a nutshell, you’re wrong. In places that treat addiction and injection drug use as a health problem (i.e. providing clean syringes, connection to

Ok, but here’s the deal: you’re wrong. As a public health researcher/professional who has studied STDs/HIV and injection drug use, and worked with several community health organizations that provide syringe exchange services, I can tell you first hand AND via science literature that these programs do, in fact, work

Thanks for summarizing all of these data for everyone. It’s an excellent piece.

Been training in karate and several other martial arts (boxing, aikido, and swordsmanship) since I was little. In all training settings I received the exact same advice and messaging you did. All of my various instructors have always emphasized that, especially with the skills I was learning from them, using them

Philadelphian here - already inconvenienced by this shit. I love having the parkway used for city-wide celebratory stuff like the 4th, but every time we have some major ticked event there it fucks everything up. It makes getting into and out of the city a nightmare, and backs up traffic all over.

I don’t get why they

Philly-ite here; also annoyed by dumb NYC thinkpieces like these. I have lots of family that lives there, and I love visiting and am hoping to do my doctorate in the city before moving back here to Philly. Also annoyed by the recent glut of “Philly is NYC’s 6th borough.” No. It’s. Not. Just. Stop.

Completely agreed. I’ve been hoping for something like this for years. My fiance and I utilize multiple methods of birth control at the moment, but this method would really reduce both of our levels of stress around avoiding pregnancy. I know that most of my guy friends would also really want something like this.

Cecilia, I just wanna say that I love all the DnD content lately :)

+1 for username

Confession. The anime that had me tearing up the most was Toriko. It was literally TOO HAPPY.

Character: I’m going to express how much our friendship means to me.

I definitely will. Then again I cry at pretty much anything too happy, too sad, or too nostalgic, so it’s kinda predictable.

Between reading HamNo’s boxing columns and the folks over at Bad Left Hook, I’m set on boxing reading for the most part.

No. We’ve never suffered enough for these people. As if there is such a thing.

Despite how shitty her behavior was, and the fact that she still doesn’t see anything wrong it, I can’t exactly feel good that she’ll soon be homeless. As someone who has met and worked with many homeless individuals through research and outreach organizations, I would never wish that life upon anybody, not even

Public health professional focused on STIs and drug-use here. Fuck Mike Pence. The dude is so misinformed and gross and ignorant that I wouldn’t be surprised if he thought storks actually delivered babies.

Question for fellow commenters: if you were a parent at this school, what would your response be? I was really struck by how calm Ms. Gray seemed to be, at least from her quotes included in the article.