
I remember one morning with my youngest I was so damn tired. Just exhausted. He was about 6 months old. Maybe a little older? I was on autopilot and I was just driving to work. I was about a block away from the office and he made a cooing noise - a gurgle or something - after having been super quiet the whole way to

I think that WaPo article should be required reading for everyone.

I am really sad that this reality-tv idiot is replacing Bruce Lee’s son as Brandon Lee in pop culture lexicon.

That’s how Flame found out about this in the first place, one of their fans laid the tracks over each other and tagged them on twitter 5 years ago. Katy Perry (or whomever gave her the track) slowed it from 76bpm to 66 bpm and lowered it an octave from Dd to C. When you equalize at 72bpm it’s exactly the same track. 

I don’t pray often, but whoever is up there please keep her safe. 

TIIIIIIIIIIIN Roof Licker, Busted

This is also how I know I will never fall for a cult. Oh, it costs money? Hard pass. 

A chopped kale caesar salad. Joe Biden, whole, roasted.

Adam Scott, you magnificent beast.


I am so happy that my sister didn’t have a bunch of these comments after her medically-necessary C-section. I mean, who do these people think they are?

Interesting, but let’s not make the perfect the enemy of the good. If your baby is growing and your sanity is intact, you’re doing it right. 

As a former breastfeeding mom who rarely pumped or used bottles, I think that it’s important to include with this story that pumping moms often do a combination of feeding from the breast and feeding expressed milk from bottles so that they can keep their milk supply going. Pumping keeps the milk flowing, which is

Ehhh...Black woman here. With some exceptions, of course, current mainstream hip-hop is incredibly materialist and misogynistic, as is lots of pop music (mainstream hip-hop IS, in fact, pop music). I get that as a “privileged White woman” it’s not kosher to state publicly that you don’t like mainstream hip-hop but

Thank God for movies because otherwise we'd have no idea that rape was ever a problem.

Love the show and have been watching from the beginning.

Perhaps not the most talented of actors but the man is a fucking treasure. Seriously, he must be one of the most genuinely humble and kind movie stars out there. Totally a fan girl but doesn’t change the facts - dude does good deeds and treats people well.

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.