
12 year old babysitter me rammed my shoulder into a glass door that I thought was jammed whilst trying to chase the 120 lb yellow lab of the family I was sitting for that had run onto the busy road. The door shattered, but luckily I wasn’t hurt and I was able to clean up all the glass without the kids or doggo getting

Mine are crooked too, but I was 13 and begged my mom to go, so I can’t blame her.

Are we 100% sure he isn’t a Trump cousin?

Me too!

Trust 45 to be grotesque enough to turn an event where 17 people, mostly children, died into a self-insertion fanfic. *barf*

This was my experience too. I was really scared to get treatment, and I don’t even know why. Going on antidepressants made a huge and almost instant difference for me, and I wished I had done it sooner.

What kind of knock-off Nyan Cat is that? Only the OG Nyan Cat is worthy of recognition!

I call it The Litter Box Blues

I’ve had variable luck with Holiday Inn Express. It seems like various locations change their pet friendly status, but when they are pet friendly, they allow cats. Last time I had to do this (last November), I used La Quinta. Interstate moves with cats are greaaaat...

Animal welfare laws are generally done state-by-state, but there are hardly any, and certainly not Florida, that extend any sort of legal protection to species beyond cats and dogs. My understanding is that this kid posted Instagram pictures of or talked about shooting or otherwise maiming frogs, lizards, chickens,

He’s still on SVU. They brought him back after like a million years. I guess he had been really deep undercover. Or something.

It’s my husband’s birthday on Monday, so I’m making him an “orange blossom” cake with Cointreau, fresh orange zest and honey.

And yet somehow they all manage to avoid Stephen Miller. Hmmm...

What hat? Sorry if I’m being dense - didn’t see a hat in the OP.

Shit. Will this one do?

He will win the GOP primary because he is unopposed. He doesn’t stand a chance in the general because he will be running against a Democrat (either the incumbent or a challenger depending on the outcome of the Dem primary) in a district that has been controlled by Democrats since 1975. That help?

Apparently JT’s suit was custom Stella McCartney. She and JT can both dere-lick my balls!

Now playing

I wonder if this played on the radio as he drove home?

Oh, for the love! Look at that little hoodie on Donny! *dies of cute*