Lionel Richie

Eating popcorn while watching professional athlete grandson play is some life of kings shit.

Let’s put it this way: if I see a future thinkpiece about the “problematic” language of this guy, who had just gotten out of a massively stressful and threatening situation at the hands of an utter shitbag, I’ll have to tie my hands to the desk to keep myself from throwing a brick through my monitor.

It bugged me a tiny bit that he kept saying it, and perhaps THOT didn’t apply, but she was being a dumb bitch. I commend him for his composure. Lesser men would have opted to get physical instead of recording and trying to reason with her.

Dude, I’m not saying she’s not a shitty person or anything like that. She’s terrible. The worst. Just saying we don’t have to hurl sexist slurs at a shitty woman. Just like we don’t have to hurl racist slurs at a shitty person of color. Invoking sexism just hurts all women. That’s all it accomplishes.

Don’t care. Really, really don’t care in this instance. And, frankly, it seems silly to focus on that when the actual story is one person threatening to ruin another person’s livelihood, and making the problem of believing sexual assault victims more difficult in the process.

No, we’re not. We can talk about it.

I know I am. You don’t get a pass on getting cussed out because you’re a girl.

I will. Don’t spit fire and act like an ass if you can’t fucking take it.

It’s Bannon.

LaVar Ball was enslaved? Wow.

Does flagging ever actually work?

Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you?

I know that Kotaku is a gaming culture site, but as someone that has played video games and sports my whole life I just can’t get on board with the whole notion that playing video games is a fucking sport. You’re playing a game. You may take the “training” really seriously, but you’re still playing a game.

“C’mon guys, what did I tell you?! You can’t just let Trevon get to his spot. You gotta stand your ground!”

“The sharp dressing assailant is kind to his dogs, loves Game of Thrones and is known for bottling excellent home brewed lagers. His Oscar parties were always the best among his peers. It’s likely that he knew the deceased was no innocent.

Timothy Caughman was murdered because he was Black and yet the media still paints him as the problem. Here’s how the Daily News reported this:

At least they’re working in sports and not just sitting on their couch playing critic.

Time to circle the wagons around the leader of the free world: Angela Merkel

If this investigation doesn’t lead to trump being impeached, the little faith I have in our democracy will be completely dead.

the shot, as amazing as it was, cant hold a candle to the god-tier color commentary from that broadcast.