Lionel Richie

Oh, it’s worse than that, my friend. We work at a Renaissance Faire.

Brent to Grayson is a lateral move.

Are there any Graysons that aren’t total shitbags?

That was pretty much my thought. Seeing the headline, I was like “so, the Cowboys draft him in the 4th or 5th round instead?”

Another draft day bargain pick for the Dallas Cowboys, America’s Team!

Stop. Hitting. Women.

I find it hard to believe Lackey—a man who divorced his wife while she was fighting breast cancer—would stoop to such levels. Nope. No way.

How did he go from a 6.41 ERA (!) with 108 K’s at age 32 to a 2.77 ERA with 180 K’s at age 36 with the Cubbies? It’s certainly a head-scratcher.

God, John Lackey is such a fucking pud.

Aaron Hernandez went for three, and look how that turned out.

Say what you will about Clarence Thomas, but I admire his almost complete silence at oral argument (one question in 10 years). He knows oral argument is a joke. It’s an anachronism dating back to pre-whiteout days. To a time when you couldn’t just push a button and spit out a one hundred page brief detailing your

United should have just gotten a rental car for their employees that needed to get to Louisville for the next day. It’s a 4.5-5.5 hour drive according to Google maps.

As an Asian person I would like to say how frustrating it can be to tell people, yes we experience racism. And they’ll be like well you guys are so smart! And you’ll be fine.

“How much do they sweat?”