Lionel Richie

Yeah, there’s a bunch of pearl clutching going on.

Chop and Steele eventually appeared on three shows, in Eau Claire, Wisc., Bismarck, N.D., and Allentown, Penn., before canceling their other appearances due to being “stressed out.”


Trump is the gift that never stops giving.

For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...

as a cube-monkey myself I feel zero pity for these “athletes”

Do you feel the same way about office workers, or is it just the video games bit that has your rage boner all standing at attention?

I’m sorry. I know people take esports seriously and it’s becoming a big thing but I can’t help but laugh at this.

When I read PITTSBURGH BAR FIGHT, I was definitely expecting a lot more violence and aggression.

In the criminal complaint, the arresting officer wrote that Porter lunged at the bar’s doorman and lifted him off the ground, then grabbed the officer’s wrists with a grip so strong that “I could not pull them away from him, no matter how hard I tried.” lied.

Ok. That’s true. I can admit when I’m wrong, but shit it hurts.

“And speaking as a golfer, who goddamn really cares about how much golf these guys play?”

Neither this post nor I have made any suggestion that “Obama’s golf is less offensive than Trump’s.” Why are you trying to shift the goalposts? Is it because you look stupid and you want to change the subject?

The Trumper last bastion of credibility: defend the golf record.

Wtf is an MSM. I hate acronyms.

333 rounds is fact, not MSM conjecture. That’s like saying, “The same MSM that told you that Ted Williams hit exactly .406?”

Let’s see, 333 rounds over eight years, that’s 42 annually if we round up. Trump is at, what, minimum 30 so far? Yup, definitely comparable.

You mean the mainstream media that told you exactly how many rounds of golf Obama played?

I love that you don’t even see what you did here.