Lionel Richie

Look - if pressing buttons is a sport, then playing “Guitar Hero” or “Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards” is a sport, too. Where do you draw the line?

I don’t have a problem with competitive video gaming. I go to compete quite often and read about it thank-you-very-much.

Your threshold for “involves physical activity” is pretty fucking low.

So what you’re saying is that you’re going to cover all darts, all the time?

“...involves physical activity...”

I guarantee you that those calfs have never seen a real soccer pitch in their life.

Seriously can this please be a fad, or at the very least can deadspin stop reporting it?

OH. MY. GOD!!!!

I had a group of friends in the late 90s (all black guys—this is relevant) who used to drive every other weekend from Sacramento to fucking Medford, Oregon, to go to an under 21 nightclub (I don’t remember if the minimum age was 18 or 16, but I think 18). When I inquired as to why in the fuck they would drive like 5

Well, at this point, the United States are kinda the Knicks of the world.

“Voting for the lesser of two evils is still evil.”

I’m placing blame on people who went into the election knowing who Donald Trump was and what was at risk but were butthurt over Hillary getting the nod or some other bullshit and cast a “protest vote” or didn’t vote at all, which helped get us to where we are today.m

BUT HER EMAILS! Right Bernie Bros and Stein-heads. You can all go burn in hell for the part you played in making this nightmare a reality, fuck all of you.

This isn’t at all about left vs right. This is about a man ill-suited to lead a town of 100 people let alone the most powerful nation on Earth. And he keeps proving this over and over. I thought the election was bad. But the inauguration has been worse.

I know you dumb fucks are upset that we see that you are dumb fucks, and we think that you are dumb fucks, and we call you dumb fucks, and we don’t agree to validate your ignorance and coddle your prejudice, and some people think we’re not supposed to call you dumb fucks “dumb fucks” anymore, but I’m old school. You

Protesting and resistance WILL affect this man like no other President. If Pence were in charge he would just shake his head with a fake smile and go back to imposing the Dark Ages on America.

We did vote. The majority of voters didn’t want him.