Lionel Richie

You’re right, and I would add that there are thoughtful people on both sides of the political arena. Not all Republicans cheered Wikileaks during the election, and not all Dems thought Wikileaks was capable of staying independent and carefully weighing the potential risk of human life when revealing state secrets. But

Putins end-game is fracturing NATO and the EU and we all know how Don feels about those two organizations.

Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

This guy and Putin are playing Trump like a cheap violin.

Utter and complete revisionist bullshit. They threatened a boycott unless they lifted the suspensions. Period. They also indirectly demanded the AD be fired.

The presumption that the players had no idea what really happened is ludicrous. Hell many of them were on the message thread the night it went down. Then the “due process” bullshit. They tried to pull a power play not because they were ignorant, but because they didn’t think rules should apply to them.

And my hatred for Mitch Leidner grows. What an arrogant prick. Outgoing senior has a lot of big tough things to say after heading the worst boycott to ever take place. YOU got him fired, Mitch. I hope everyone does transfer. Anyone involved in the boycott shouldn’t be welcomed back. We’ve always been a shitty team,

The players made an arrogant power play that fans and alumni should be ashamed of. They essentially demanded the AD be fired for following up on the recommendations of the investigation.

No my friend it’s not.

Till you drive a tuned ecoboost you cannot comprehend how much more power you have on tap compared to the 5.0

You do not fucking DO that because someone could turn the wrong way suddenly and boom, you have an eye injury.

You do realize the rest of the Big Ten hates Trumpish, manbaby Franny, who constantly whines, has terrible sportsmanship, and is a bad role model for the kids he coaches.

VIOLENTLY ripped the ball from him? Get the fuck out of here.

Hey look, an Iowa fan.

You sound mad

Are we sure that wasn’t a Twitter hoax too?

The ninja-like attempts of the two Twits at deflecting the blame is pretty astounding.