Loverslab: Hold my beer.
Loverslab: Hold my beer.
The memes
I know people are going to jump on me about this, but how exactly is glitching a game into ending “beating” it.
As a certified professor of dickology, I think I can safely say... that’s a shlong.
I was really excited for this game originally, but the more I hear about it the more my enthusiasm is blunted
The merchant was last seen in Louisiana: locking guns and healing items inside of coin-operated cages, presumably in an effort to make them extremely inaccessible when they are most needed.
Censor fish is back!
Taking Potato Quality a bit too seriously.
It’s good that she understands the problem and has no malice towards Nintendo on this one. To answer the question posed in the article, the difference is largely optics (if she’s a big Tiktok entertainer then Nintendo would absolutely notice her more than random etsy or deviantart pages) and two her intent to…
That’s the coolest thing ever! The only thing that would be any nicer would be pre-programmed a “On behalf of (store name), we apologize for the inconvenience. There really is nothing DarkValentine1984 can do about this” message. ;)
Thank you for explaining this! And you’re absolutely right that people tend to live “right, here, I want it now” kinds of lives. I mean, I’m guilty of that sometimes, as well... though hopefully those of us who’ve worked in the service industry are treating others at least a little better than those who haven’t…
Thank you for explaining this. Even without a pandemic it can be so stressful to deal with customers not believing you. Most shoppers have no idea how little excess inventory retail stores actually have on hand, especially chain retailers with huge distribution centers nearby, sister stores who routinely transfer…
You REALLY need to describe what happens to Windows if you do completely uninstall Edge.
Tree Branches are infinite, you can just keep shaking the same tree and eventually more will come out, unless there is no place for them to drop, in which case you can pick up the ones you have and keep shaking for more.
Fruit trees take 3 days to regrow their fruit. I know this might seem obvious but I know a lot of…
His backstory eventually reveals that he’s an Earl.
Haha can’t wait for all the blood and gore of MK 11!
On the one hand, this is Dead or Alive.