Rivers of Blood got stealth nerfed. It comes out slower and costs more FP to cast. The Bleed damage is noted, but Rivers of Blood does indeed come out a little slower. Almost on part with Icerind Hatchet.
Perfectly honest question! This would mostly be considered the category “Any % *insert Glitch type here* run” as there are different criterias & categories that would constitute it as being what it is. So long as the main requirement would be to make it to the end screen or final input that you can achieve within the…
Because of this potential move, it makes “Call of Battlefield” 100% relevant now.
When the Kotaku Censorfish is used out of context, but the context requires the use of fire.
As a native Louisianian, you get this star!
Ryu’s tired of extending energy to pull that off. So he’s mastered the art of the Hadouken 9000.
Looking forward to seeing ALL of this in glorious HD Remastered Vision. The Level 5 Combination moves are the stuff of legends. Discovering what worked with what without a guide back in the day was such a hype feeling for me.
Take my star, LMAO
We actually have shelf tags that explain that, without the store name part. It's the Covid-19 Tag I mentioned earlier
Indeed. This is what it looks like when I scan something and my scan gun mentions “Covid Long Term Man Out”. The scan gun gives us instructions on what to do for any remaining product on the shelf when said message comes up.
Covid LTMO message
Thank you for the response. I highly appreciate it. I’ve been in the business going on 17 years now, so I’ve seen how volatile some people get when we’re unable to provide for reasons that are clearly out of our hands. This pandemic really brought out the worst in people. Far more than I’ve ever seen in this line…
As someone who works in a Retail Supermarket as an Inventory Specialist, this is VERY accurate. Our job has special “COVID-19 Tags” that we have to use on the actual price tag for the item. Said Covid-19 tag has to cover the price of said item while leaving the barcode for me to scan. I go to true up numbers for any…
Considering Nintendo is possibly on full damage control right now, and their track record of ensuring the Legendary Legion of Lawyers they have on standby ready to issue C&D orders on any unsuspecting person that does what Nintendon’t, I don’t expect this to stay up very...nevermind, it’s gone already.
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Every time anything related to Mario ROM hacking is talked about anywhere, all I can think of is this track that loops in my head, when the Big Red N unleashes the legion of lawyers, and sic them on the poor unsuspecting creator.
Carby went from epic cute, to something that’s nightmare fuel
Woah...Martin Sandwich
...doesn’t quite roll off the tongue, when applied with a beat.