

Bill Trinen's body was not ready, for the wrath of the Regginator.

It was a matter of time, would have been awesome if the slo-mo demonic scream was added after it ate the kid, and the N64 would be saying it XD. I'm so glad this classic video was made new for this year. :)

LOL, They knew Raoh was a big guy, but really had to put some emphasis with it, didn't they?

409 & a Q-tip. never once had a non-working game from using those, on the carts. Ever.

I guess Templars love to get up in your business. Even save games aren't safe anymore.

I can almost bet that Louis is feeling very livid right about now, that someone likes pills more than him...

Max Payne: Keeping it steady with bullets & pills since 2001

It is very understandable if you have not grown up in the 90's and seen these kind of games, during their prime. So nobody is going to fault you for really making that decision.

I've had to go for a Sierra Mist if I wanted my pure, natural sugar fix in a drink. American here. If Sierra Mist can go from using Corn Syrup to actual Sugar, Coke can do the same thing. Hell, Pepsi at one time had real sugar, and that came back as Pepsi Throwback. Same for Mountain Dew. So far, those are the only 3

THANK YOU! That needed to be said. If I want to play a game, I'll get up and play it. Doesn't need to be system specific to do so. I'm not in the interest of playing games, because of what console they come on. I do so, just because. That is all.

That by itself is subjective, depending on the person in general. Personally speaking, I work, and have a console, but don't spend all my cash on just getting games and DLC. My PC sucks as far as gaming goes, so I don't bother getting something on PC, that I can get on a console.

Hmm...not going to lie, 360 has wait times beat. It never takes longer than 2-3 minutes tops for an update. For most games, the update is less than 10 seconds. When a system update rolls around, it is usually within the 2-3 minute range, nothing longer than that.

I feel your pain. I too also work at a supermarket. There was many tears from many customers who did not get their Twinkie fix. Every Hostess box, bag & package on the 72ft. wall that was JUST mase for that product alone, gone in 2 days flat. I almost wanted to take a picture, but that would have been cruel on my part.

Amen to that. Glad I grew up when real games were being made. A different generation for every flavor.

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I'm using OpenVPN, its very fast, and free. I looked at other options, and that one happens to be what I was looking for. Once I got it, never looked back. I tried a few paid ones before, and did not really get results like I do with OpenVPN. Was skeptical at first, but after using it for 5 months, it lived up to the

Jimmy Fallon's body was not ready. Reggie is always ready.

TOR browser says hi