
I'm pretty impressed with what is over at FanFiction, creative by all means. I'll still have to go with what koobismo over at DA has done, to bring this fanfic to life.

Doesn't sound as interesting as a "Victoly Squat", but things would just be so out of context.

Instant Win!

I'm gonna call it right here: One of (if not every) image of this, needs to be in the next Kotaku Shop Contest.

Now playing

I'll just leave this here, for nostalgic reasons...:)

Not sure if that was sarcastic, or a sad attempt at trying to be a troll. I know this is the internet, but if you think it was boring, why did you bother wasting time to comment, on my opinion?

We used to have that down here in Louisiana, but now it's GameStop. It's pretty sad. Life was better when it was EB Games down here :(

I pretty much get talked to about that also. But about 99% of the time during those chats, when it comes to bringing back games, it's just as stated in the video. No joke. It's why I long since stopped bringing games back.

Yeah, best not to get yourself in hot water over it. It's much safer here.

I'm fine with just an SDTV to be truthfully honest. If I wanted to be graphics intense, as well as intense with the way my stuff looks on a screen, I can just use my PC for that.

You know you want it

This. Perfect example by all means. I just get games when I feel like playing them. It's not all the time I can get something on release date, when I want it. That's a rarity to me, much more than a pleasure in this instance.

Hmm....wouldn't mater to me if I wanted to see the trailer now, the website's blocked my IP. Funny how that works, since it's my first time visiting that website...

Heh, I remember those old school Hi-C boxes of juice. The stuff of champions when I was a kid. Hell, still the stuff of champions now. Fruit Punch & Pink Lemonade FTMFW!

THANK YOU! There is a few people here on Kotaku that seriously need to read this, and fully understand that, to a T. You have no idea how well something like this has been sitting in my head, but never was able to get proper wording on it.

I had a chance to see that movie. I heard about the movie from my father, who loved stuff like this. When I got Driver back in the day, it made me feel right at home. And he loved it, solely for the car chases.

That's because most, since ME1 & ME2 have always wanted to see a Prothean squadmate appear in some form or fashion. I was one of those. But after seeing that this is optional, it's more or less a "love it or leave it" feeling. I'm not disagreeing with what you say, it's a valid response.

Jesus Christ...It's just $10 extra dollars. There are some people out there, like myself, who can't afford the CE version of ME3, so this is a good alternative to me. I've heard of someone being tight with money, because it's either a choice, necessity to them, or it's more than an option to be a total butthole about

See? That's what I'm saying! Gooche should be allowed (it is the guy's real last name after all), and things that slip by like what you just put, shouldn't be allowed to roam free on the net.