
I was referring to that actually, but spoken from a different angle. But I do see your point clear enough. No harm, dude. :)

Well, that is lightly debatable at best. I've been a console player for a VERY long time. However, it really depends on who you're with, to actually make something on a console worth playing as a team type game.

I'm well aware of the time frame that MW3 came out on. I'm speaking in the sense of overall choice outside of total playable standards.

Well, not exactly. You see, anyone with money can and will give it a shot. It's the choice of letting go of said game long enough, that gives the impression of someone sticking to one, or the other. Still have both BFBC2 & Blops, but lack time to play either one right now.

Huh..didn't see that coming. You'd think that most ppl would be playing more Gears 3, or Battlefield 3 or even MW3. Guess not.

That only works in truth at GameFAQs mostly, when there has been x amount of revisions to someone's guide that was posted there.

I'll tell you from personal experience: It's a no win contest. I didn't try that with him, but it's something that will only fluster you, to no end. Best to say what you will, and move on. At least keeping positive to the situation.

I don't see it that way, but understandable. Everyone makes money (in some form or way), and everyone will take said money, and decide on what to do with it. If it's for a game (or anything in general), they will see to it, that their hard earned dollar goes towards something will be a great experience.

I'm not going to defend Deux with what I'm about to say. He has "problems" with me as it is. And hopefully, those problems have been squashed. But, his point is clear enough. I'll quote it myself for those who don't know:

I'm not even from the UK, and I know a good sitcom when I see one :)

Wow...No Russian from Modern Warfare 2 was totally WTF, but this takes the cake. Was not expecting that. I'm not saying it to have a problem with it. It's just....a wow moment.

I thought I was the only one really watching those. Glad to see someone else is watching them :)

You know, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if this guy got his inspiration from Newgrounds. And I love Newgrounds for it's flash animations. But these horrid travesties are a disgrace.

That's really bogus & messed up. Feel pretty bad for the guy. There's a chance that he may not get his things back, as he stated in the video. I've known a few friends who had the same treatment. They didn't get their stuff back. And we all thought break-ins' robberies, and theft was just plain crazy. This takes the

This should prove to be an interesting combination. It's been a while since I've played a game that comes close to what this will be. Let's see how this plays out.

If I could promote your comment, I so would. That has won you many internets, my friend XD

Some people do have a lot of free time on their hands... But can we blame the guy? It is "his time" after all. If that's what he wanted to do, then more power to him. I know someone will read my statement, and try to rant on it sooner or later. But, I don't care really. None of us, including me, are this person in the

I know right? It's really sad. There Isn't much of a sense of respect these days, for other people. Ok, sure, this is the internets. We all get that it's going to be random as hell. However, that doesn't mean we should have total disrespect towards someone, that did us no harm in the first place. Now, I can see that

I'll agree on this as well. It was the one reason why I passed up on even attempting to try Oblivion, for longer than a few hours. Morrowind & Gothic was WAY better with the things you pointed out about it. They really need no introduction in this sense. As any well developed game, that has real time taken into being

THANK YOU! About time someone around here made some sense of the context, that Mythos is getting across. While I may not agree with his view on this game, I do agree with the method. And that method is the fact that it's his personal choice & preference that he's not interested in the game. Last time I checked,